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Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good

Written by Leon Ho
Founder & CEO of Lifehack
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A study in the Journal of Consumer Research[1] reveals that the busier we think we are, the more important we feel. This perceived busyness boosts self-worth and even our status in the eyes of others. But when it spirals out of control, it costs us dearly across various aspects of our lives.

While we often flaunt our busyness as a badge of honor, believing it’s essential for success, it doesn’t necessarily mean being productive. Busy just means a full plate, while productivity is about completing tasks—achieving, not just filling time.

True productivity doesn’t rely on being busy. It’s about the outcomes, not the hours spent.

Breaking this cycle starts with understanding why we keep ourselves so busy.

Why Should You Stop Being Too Busy?

Being too busy wreaks havoc on your well-being. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Physical Health Deteriorates: Stress can spark serious health issues like heart disease.[2] Lack of sleep compromises your cognitive functions,[3] and poor habits like skipping meals or grabbing fast food negatively affect your nutrition and fitness.
  • Mental Health Declines: Constant pressure increases anxiety and leads to burnout, reducing your ability to think clearly[4]
  • Productivity Sags: Overworking causes mistakes, dampens creativity, and leads to procrastination.
  • Relationships Suffer: Less time for loved ones and stress-induced miscommunication can strain even strong bonds.
  • Personal Fulfillment Drops: When work overshadows everything else, life feels unbalanced and joys go unnoticed.
  • Growth Stalls: Without downtime for self-reflection, personal and professional growth halts.

Knowing this, let’s look at the signs you’re too busy and how to dial it back.

Signs You’re Too Busy and What to Do About It

Here are 17 signs you might be too busy, and what you can do to prevent busyness from overtaking your life.

1. You Rarely See Your Family

Missing family dinners? Can’t recall the last time you hung out with your kids? If your days consistently stretch into 12 or 14 hours at work, it’s not just a busy season—it’s a lifestyle that could be harming your family connections. If this sounds like you, it’s a strong indicator you’re too busy.

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good

Make Time For Your Family

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Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Schedule dinner with your family at least three times a week. Try to negotiate with your boss to make this possible. You can also try to schedule a family day where you set aside work projects and focus on fun activities like family game nights
Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
For more on what you can do, check out our article: How to Maximize Family Time.

2. You’ve Lost Your Why

Do you feel passionate about your work, or are you just ticking boxes to get paid? If you’re compromising your values and taking shortcuts, it might mean you’ve lost your purpose to constant busyness. If this rings true, it’s time to step back and realign with what matters.

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good

Find Your Meaning in Life

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Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Take a moment to reflect on the reason why you chose your work. Is it providing for your family or helping others? Reconnect yourself emotionally with this value.

3. You’re Always Trying to Meet Expectations

Are you glued to your email or always on calls, feeling increasingly resentful? This could be a sign you’re too caught up in meeting others’ expectations, sacrificing your own boundaries in the process.

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good

Prioritize Your Needs

3 Actions
Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Schedule 10 to 15 minutes between calls with clients so you can have built-in downtime to regain your balance.
Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Become intentional about how often you check email. If you find yourself checking every few minutes, try reducing it to once an hour or less.
Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Do a digital detox to help you become less busy.  

4. You’re Never Really Here

Is your mind always racing ahead to the next task, or are you too distracted by your phone even in company? This indicates that being overly busy might be stealing your ability to truly engage with loved ones.

Mindfulness meditation has been shown to help focus and appreciate the present.[5] By practicing mindfulness, you bring yourself back to the now, enhancing engagement with your current activities. Consider starting with mindfulness exercises to reclaim your presence.

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good

Be Present

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Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Try mindfulness meditation. Here’s a practical guide for you: Morning Meditation for Beginners: How to Get Started 

5. You’re Worn Out

If you’re burnt out, simple tasks feel overwhelming, and minor setbacks cause major frustration. Constantly waking up tired, even after a full night’s sleep, suggests you’re spending too much physical and emotional energy staying “on.”

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good

Rest Your Mind and Body

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Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Commit to stop all work-related activity by a certain time each night before going to bed.
Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Instead of working all the way to bedtime, create a relaxing bedtime routine that include activities such as listening to relaxing music, meditating, and leisure reading.

6. You Feel Like You’re Falling Behind

Struggling with finances, neglecting exercise, or feeling mediocre in your skills might indicate you’re spread too thin. If you often say, “I am too busy,” it’s time to reassess and scale back.

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good

Regain Balance in Life

3 Actions
Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Take this Time/Life Assessment and find out what aspects of life that require your immediate attention. By taking this assessment, you’ll get an analysis of your overall life. 
Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Write a list all the things you have committed to over the next month. Which of these things are less meaningful to you or won’t help you achieve important goals? Find a way to graciously relieve yourself of these commitments and avoid them in the future.

7. Vacations Feel Like a Luxury You Can’t Afford

Hoarding vacation days? Fearing time off might leave you behind? This reluctance shows you value doing over being. Yet, science supports taking breaks[6]—planning a vacation can even boost your happiness weeks before you leave.

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good

Take Regular Breaks

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Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Take a vacation or staycation every now and then.
Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Try sitting for five minutes in complete silence when you first wake up—commit to doing absolutely nothing. Does doing nothing sound counterproductive to you? Don’t worry! Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is nothing.

8. You Can’t Stick to One Task

If multitasking has become your normal mode and you’re flipping between tasks, it’s a sign of chronic busyness. This constant switching sabotages your focus and productivity.

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good

Focus with a Strategy

3 Actions
Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Use an internet blocking tool to experience what it’s like to work distraction free for 10 to 20 minutes.
Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Try the Pomodoro Method.

9. You’re Unhappy for No Obvious Reason

Keeping busy might be your way of dodging life’s tougher moments. This avoidance can lead to persistent unease and anxiety.[7] It’s important to confront these feelings rather than sidestep them.

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good


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Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Try to get to the underlying cause of your unhappiness. Ask yourself, what am I avoiding by being so busy? Take time to take stock of what might be the cause of your unhappiness.

10. Decisions Feel Overwhelming

Ever felt too anxious to even choose a toothpaste in the store? This paralysis is often due to a desire to keep all options open, a common trap of busyness. Remember, not every decision is monumental, and simplifying choices can alleviate this stress.

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good

Start Making Decisions

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Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Learn to be at peace with the fact that making a decision means giving up other options.
Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
You can start prioritizing your decisions and identifying what are your most important objectives. You can also simply adopt a method of simply choosing a decision and running with it. 

11. Asking for Help Feels Like a Weakness

Are you the go-to person because you always get things done? This can make it tough to ask for help when you need it. In fact, reluctance to seek help is common.[8]

But it’s okay to ask for assistance. It doesn’t just lighten your load—it also gives others the opportunity to contribute.

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good

Ask For Help

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Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Don’t tell yourself “I am too busy to ask for help” – take initiative and learn how to ask for help when you’re afraid to do so.

12. Meals Are Just Another Task

If you’re catching up on emails or calls during meals or while driving, you’re too busy. Efficient time management is one thing, but not having a moment to focus even on eating suggests you need to shed some tasks.

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good


2 Actions
Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Focus on only one activity instead of multitasking. Building on our previous step, learn to say no to more projects. Create a quiet place for yourself to focus with no distractions and get to work!

13. What Did You Even Eat for Breakfast?

Skipping breakfast or grabbing fast food on the go because you’re “too busy”? It’s time to prioritize your health. Breakfast is essential, not just another chore. Make time for it to fuel your body and mind properly.

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good

Eat Your Breakfast

1 Action

14. Your Desk is a Disaster

If your workspace is chaotic and it’s stressing you out, it might be a sign you’re taking on too much. Taking time to organize your space can help clear your mind too.

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good

Get Your Workspace Organized

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Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Find one thing on your desk that you can throw out today. Do this every day for the next seven days.
Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Invest in desk organizers to make finding your things more efficient and stress-free. Check out these tips for how to revamp your office space.

15. Appointments Clash and Slip Through

If you’re often double-booking or missing meetings, it’s a clear sign you’re overstretched. Saying ‘yes’ too quickly and too often can overload your schedule. It might be time to start being more selective about your commitments.

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good

Stay Organized

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Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Try to wait 12 to 24 hours before agreeing to commitments. This is also a great way to set boundaries to prevent ourselves from burning out.
Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Try investing in a planner to help you physically keep track of your schedule.

16. Mornings Are a Drag

When the thought of starting your day fills you with dread, it’s a signal that you’re too busy. If every morning feels overwhelming, it suggests burnout. Ideally, a new day should bring some level of energy and enthusiasm.

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good

Get Energetic

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Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Take time to assess where you can scale – it may have to be pulling away from work projects or other seemingly important commitments.
Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Keep in mind that when you are too busy and you decide to scale back, you make the choice to put your best work forward in more crucial projects.
Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Make this a common practice and you’ll find that refreshment and excitement again.

17. Loneliness Has Become the Norm

Busy periods can isolate us. If you’re feeling lonely because you’re always working and turning down social invitations, it’s important to make time for friends. Reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. Remember, work will wait—it’s crucial to maintain connections and recharge with your community.

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good

Reach Out to Others

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Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
Reach out to a close friend today, even one you have not connected with for a while.

If you’ve checked off five or more points from this list, it’s time to pause. Your time is precious—don’t waste it on just being busy.

Reclaim Your Time

Here at LifeHack, we’ve developed a straightforward approach called the Time Flow System. It’s all about managing your time more effectively, cutting through the noise, and leading a more fulfilling life. Here’s the gist of it:

Signs You’re Too Busy ― How to Stop It For Good
    North Stars

    Think of North Stars as the key goals in your life—the big milestones you’re working toward. They provide direction and keep you focused on what really matters. These goals are solid; they don’t shift unless your life does.


    Initiatives are how you make progress. They turn your North Stars into actionable plans, honing in on specific milestones. They keep you honest, pushing you to make sure every task truly helps you advance toward your goals, not just busy work.

    Focus Blocks

    Focus Blocks are where action happens. By scheduling what to do and how long to spend on it, you stay focused without overdoing it. This method is about efficiency—maximizing impact while respecting your time.

    Using the Time Flow System ensures every minute counts, steering you towards the life you envision. It’s not just about saving time—it’s about making sure the time you have is spent moving forward.

    Whether it’s freeing up time for family, diving into personal projects, or pushing your career forward, the Time Flow System helps you concentrate on actions that really move the needle.



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