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Goal Getting

How to Be More Action-Oriented & Overcome Inaction

Written by Leon Ho
Founder & CEO of Lifehack
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Regret is sneaky and powerful. Those five letters can hold you back for decades. Have you ever paused at a life-changing moment, unsure whether to leap or stay put?

You’re not alone. A study[1] in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology finds that 76% of us don’t regret the things we did, but the things we didn’t do. Our deepest regrets? Missed chances—the dreams, passions, risks, and potentials we left untouched.

Imagine passing up a great job because you’re scared of not fitting in, or shelving a brilliant business idea for fear of failure. These aren’t just stories; they’re common realities. And often, it’s what we don’t do that haunts us more than our mistakes.

Research[2] from Cambridge University Press backs this up, showing that people who act decisively tend to regret less than those who hesitate.

Why push to be more action-oriented? Because real fulfillment comes from acting boldly, being authentic, pursuing goals, and unlocking your potential.

Keep this in mind: It’s not just about sidestepping regret. It’s about building a life story that’s rich and bold, one step at a time.


What Does Being Action-Oriented Look Like?

Imagine two types of people navigating life’s challenges:

Those who are action-oriented and those who are state-oriented.

This distinction, highlighted by Julius Kuhl in the early 1990s,[3] is pivotal in understanding how we approach goals, especially under pressure.

The Action-Oriented Individual

Action-oriented people are like navigators in the storm of life. They are resilient to stress, capable of putting past failures behind them, and able to focus on tasks without getting sidetracked.

Starting new projects is their forte. Picture someone who, when faced with an obstacle, immediately starts brainstorming solutions, takes charge, and dives into action.

The State-Oriented Individual

In contrast, state-oriented individuals tend to ruminate over past misfortunes, struggle to take decisive action, and often find themselves procrastinating.

They are the ones who get bogged down in the “what ifs” and “if onlys,” finding it hard to move forward or make a clear decision.

Returning to the Cambridge University study, we find concrete evidence of how these two groups react to decision-making scenarios.

Action-oriented individuals generally feel a greater sense of regret when they don’t act, while state-oriented individuals experience regret regardless of their choice.


Defining Action Orientation

The Cambridge Dictionary succinctly defines being action-oriented as being

“willing or likely to take practical action to deal with a problem or situation.”

It’s about being proactive, taking the initiative, and not waiting passively for things to change.

Characteristics of action-oriented people include:

  • Proactive and Resourceful: They don’t just wait for opportunities; they create them.
  • Decisive: They make decisions confidently and stand by them.
  • Accountable: They take responsibility for their actions and outcomes.
  • Persistent: They persevere through challenges and setbacks.
  • Opportunistic: They recognize and seize opportunities.

An action-oriented person might steadily climb their career ladder by continuously improving their skills, seeking new opportunities, and taking on leadership roles, leading to promotions and increased influence.

Those who take action in starting a business often see growth and success through clear vision and consistent effort.

And let’s look into a real-life example: Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs serves as a quintessential example of action orientation.

From co-founding Apple and revolutionizing personal computing to dealing with setbacks like being fired from his own company, Jobs exemplified resilience and determination.

He didn’t just stop at Apple; he went on to make Pixar a success and eventually returned to Apple, leading it to become a global innovator.

Being action-oriented is about a mindset that embraces practical steps to solve problems and achieve goals. It’s about being proactive, decisive, and resilient.

As seen in the stories of countless successful individuals, this approach can lead to remarkable achievements and a fulfilling life.


Benefits of Becoming Action-Oriented

Transforming into an action-oriented individual isn’t just about making things happen. It’s about unlocking a world of possibilities, where dreams take flight, and aspirations turn into tangible realities.

The journey from intention to action is lined with numerous benefits, both tangible and intangible.

Realizing Dreams and Achieving Goals

The path to achievement is paved with actions, not just intentions. Whether it’s starting a successful business, advancing in your career, or achieving personal goals, action is the catalyst.

As Brain Coach Jim Kwik aptly puts it,

“Knowledge is not power. It’s only potential power. It only becomes power when we apply it and use it.”

This philosophy underscores the essence of being action-oriented – turning potential into power, ideas into innovations, and dreams into realities.

Short-Term and Long-Term Rewards

The beauty of being action-oriented lies in its immediate and lasting impacts.

In the short term, you’ll witness the direct results of your actions – a project initiated, a new skill learned, or a relationship strengthened.

In the long term, these actions accumulate, paving the way for sustained success and fulfillment.

Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem

Each action you take builds a brick in the foundation of your confidence. Seeing the results of your actions, no matter how small, reinforces a sense of capability and control.

This not only boosts your self-esteem but also fuels your resilience and optimism, vital traits for navigating life’s ups and downs.


Avoiding the Cost of Regret

Regret often stems from inaction. By choosing to act, you sidestep the ‘what ifs’ that haunt those who hold back.

Living a life free from the chains of regret allows you to enjoy a richer, more fulfilling existence, where each decision is a step forward, not a path not taken.

Enhancing Self-Discovery and Awareness

Action is a mirror reflecting your true self. It reveals your strengths, passions, and capabilities, offering insights into who you are and what you can achieve.

This journey of self-discovery is invaluable, leading to heightened self-awareness and a clearer understanding of your place in the world.

Becoming an Inspirational Leader

Action-oriented individuals naturally inspire those around them.

As a leader, your propensity to act sets a powerful example, motivating your team to follow suit.

Your actions speak louder than words, galvanizing others to achieve collective objectives and fostering a culture of proactivity and achievement.

Embracing an action-oriented lifestyle is about much more than getting things done. It’s about building confidence, avoiding regret, discovering yourself, and inspiring others.


It’s a journey towards a life of purpose, achievement, and fulfillment.

Why Is it Hard For People to Take Action?

Taking the leap from contemplation to action can often feel like scaling a mountain. Various internal and external factors can turn this journey into an arduous task.

By recognizing and understanding these barriers, anyone can equip themselves to overcome them and stride confidently towards their goals.

Imposter Syndrome

One of the most insidious barriers is imposter syndrome. Characterized by feelings of inadequacy and a fear of being exposed as a fraud, imposter syndrome can significantly impair one’s ability to act.

Despite evidence of their capabilities, those afflicted doubt their skills and accomplishments, leading to a paralysis in decision-making and action-taking.

This lack of authenticity, as noted by the American Psychological Association,[4] can prevent individuals from engaging in actions that resonate with their true selves, further impeding progress.



is the arch-nemesis of action. It’s the act of delaying and deferring, which becomes a substantial roadblock to achieving goals.

Fear of failure, fear of the unknown, lack of confidence, overwhelm, and lack of motivation are some of the driving forces behind procrastination. This can transform an actionable plan into a series of postponed intentions.


Analysis Paralysis

When overthinking leads to inaction, it’s known as analysis paralysis. This state of constant deliberation can make it difficult for individuals to commit to a decision or action, resulting in missed opportunities and delayed progress.

The fixation on weighing every possible option leads to a mental gridlock, where no path seems viable enough to tread.

Lack of Commitment

Commitment is the fuel for action. Without it, the journey towards goals can be easily derailed.

A lack of commitment manifests as a reluctance to take action, driven by a lack of accountability and belief in one’s ability to succeed.

Without a solid commitment, the motivation to persist through challenges wanes, leading to inaction.

Result-Oriented Thinking

While focusing on outcomes is important, an excessive fixation on results can be counterproductive.

When people become overly preoccupied with achieving specific outcomes, they may lose sight of the necessary steps to get there.

This can lead to frustration, disappointment, and a reluctance to take the first step. Furthermore, unrealistic expectations can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and fear of failure.

Motion vs Action

The distinction between motion and action is crucial in the journey towards becoming more action-oriented.

Motion refers to the planning and preparation phase, while action is the execution of those plans.

  • Motion: It’s about setting the stage – creating to-do lists, researching diet plans, watching workout videos, or acquiring productivity books.
  • Action: This is where the real work happens – completing tasks on the to-do list, cooking and eating healthy meals, engaging in physical exercise, and applying learned productivity strategies.

Understanding and balancing motion and action is essential.

Too much motion with little action leads to stagnation, while action without sufficient motion can result in aimless busyness.

The key is to harmonize the two – aligning intention with execution – to effectively move towards your goals.

How to Become More Action-Oriented

1. Action Is a Muscle

Action is a skill, one that gets better the more you use it.

When I shifted to making LifeHack my full-time gig, I began with baby steps—an hour each evening. I wasn’t jumping in all at once. Instead, I increased the challenge bit by bit, making sure I could handle it. Weekends? Those were for recharging. This wasn’t about sprinting; it was a marathon. Daily small efforts built a rhythm, and each little win laid the groundwork for bigger ones.

Think of action like a muscle that grows with exercise. Here’s how to get that muscle in shape:

Start Small and Scale Up

Kick off with tasks you can manage, then slowly add more weight. This builds your confidence and sets you up for the heavier lifting ahead.

Balance Productivity with Rest

Constant motion isn’t the goal. Rest is part of the workout—it keeps you from burning out and helps keep the momentum.

Keep at It

Strength comes from regular, persistent effort. Make action a part of your daily routine to steer through challenges.

Enjoy the Ride

Mastery of action takes time. Be patient, commit to the path, and celebrate the small wins. They matter.

Build Incrementally

Every little effort counts. They add up, boosting your confidence and competence, readying you for what’s next.

By embracing these practices, action becomes less daunting and more a part of who you are.

2. Set a Direction: Your North Star

In the world of goals, it’s easy to freeze up. Grand visions can overwhelm. At LifeHack, we suggest setting a general direction, not a perfect, distant target.

Think of it as your North Star—a guide that keeps you moving even when the end isn’t in sight. This isn’t about hitting a specific point on the map but about moving purposefully in the right direction.


This clear sense of direction is vital for getting started and keeping the momentum going.

This is why my shift to full-time at LifeHack wasn’t about nailing a perfect end. My guiding principle was clear: to empower others with actionable insights. This didn’t change, even as I steered through the unknown. By mapping out clear initiatives, like starting a newsletter, I built milestones that resonated with my mission, refining them along the way based on feedback and new understandings.

Try these:

Keep Your North Star Consistent

Flexibility matters, but your North Star should stay the same, only shifting with major life changes. It’s your constant, the light guiding each step of your journey.

Break It Down into Initiatives

Initiatives are your stepping stones. They’re specific goals that should stack up to help you head towards your North Star. They give structure and make your path clearer.

Review and Adapt

These initiatives aren’t fixed; they should evolve as you gather new insights and face different situations. Regularly check if they still align with your North Star and make adjustments as necessary.

Filter and Focus

Question every action: does it bring you closer to your North Star? Avoid tasks that just keep you busy without real progress. If something doesn’t add up, it’s time to pivot.

time flow


    3. Implementation Intention: The Power of Detail in Action

    The real game-changer in goal-setting isn’t just the goals themselves, but how precisely you plan to achieve them. Implementation Intentions revolutionize our approach by detailing the ‘when’, ‘where’, and ‘how’ of each action. This precision drastically increases the likelihood of turning your intentions into actual actions.

    For instance, every Saturday morning, I would tell myself, “Write a blog post.” This wasn’t a vague intention but a specific command. Setting such clear directives reduced the strain of starting and ensured each writing session was productive.

    Try these:

    Craft Detailed Plans

    Start by connecting specific situations to precise actions. For example, decide that you’ll go for a 30-minute run as soon as you get home from work on Monday. Such clarity makes the plan actionable and more likely to be executed.

    Automate Actions

    By clearly defining when and where your actions happen, they start to become automatic. This automation reduces the effort to start and keeps the behavior consistently aligned with your plans.

    Simplify Execution

    Detailed plans do more than just organize your efforts—they reduce the mental load it takes to get started. When you know exactly what you’re supposed to do and when, initiating action becomes less of a hurdle.

    Use ‘Focus Blocks’

    Incorporate structured ‘Focus Blocks’ from LifeHack’s Time Flow System to tackle important tasks effectively. Define what you’ll do and how long you’ll spend on it. This not only ensures that each action is impactful but also keeps your efforts aligned with your broader goals.

    By focusing on these detailed plans and making them a natural part of your routine, you harness the power of Implementation Intentions to make your goals a reality, keeping your actions aligned and impactful.

    How to Be More Action-Oriented & Overcome Inaction

      4. Embrace a Growth Mindset: Learning Over Perfection

      Unlocking a growth mindset is like stepping up to a new level of potential. It’s about seeing your abilities and intelligence not as fixed traits but as qualities you can develop through dedication and effort.

      When I shifted from engineering to running LifeHack full-time, the key wasn’t perfecting every detail; it was about embracing learning and treating challenges as opportunities for growth. Each setback wasn’t a roadblock but a stepping stone, shaping a resilient mindset that saw feedback not as criticism but as invaluable guidance.

      Progress, Not Perfection

      With a growth mindset, the focus pivots from seeking flawlessness to valuing the learning process. Mistakes transform from failures into lessons, each one building your understanding and abilities.

      Turning Challenges into Opportunities

      This perspective turns challenges into launchpads for growth, boosting both resilience and the motivation to act. Believing in your capacity to improve through effort encourages risk-taking and experimentation.[5]

      Valuing Feedback and Perseverance

      Feedback becomes a tool for advancement, not just a critique. It’s about learning from every piece of advice and using it to forge ahead. This belief in continuous growth also fuels perseverance, making obstacles less intimidating and more like puzzles to solve.

      Focusing on Learning

      To truly adopt a growth mindset, make learning your primary goal—not the endpoint but the journey itself. Celebrate the small wins and glean lessons from every outcome.

      This mindset isn’t just about personal development; it’s a transformative approach that can propel you from intention to action, turning aspirations into realities. If you’re keen to dive deeper, consider exploring ways to foster this mindset further, such as through resources like 17 Ways To Develop a Growth Mindset.

      5. Visualize Your Future Self

      Visualization isn’t just dreaming; it’s an essential tool for anyone ready to take action. It involves painting mental pictures of the person you want to become and the successes you aim to achieve. It’s about seeing your future self not as a distant possibility but as an imminent reality.

      Every day, I spent time envisioning not just the outcomes I wanted but also the steps to get there—embracing the challenges, celebrating the milestones. This practice did more than just motivate; it aligned my daily actions with my larger goals, reinforcing my belief in my potential.

      Mental Blueprint for Success

      Muhammad Ali once said,

      “If my mind can conceive it and my heart can believe it – then I can achieve it.”

      Visualization serves as this mental blueprint, setting the stage for your actions to follow. It primes your entire being—mind and body—to act in ways that reflect your inner visions.

      Conquering Doubt

      Visualization is powerful in overcoming self-doubt. By consistently seeing yourself succeed, you start to believe deeply in your capabilities, which turns those visions into achievable goals.

      Sharpening Focus

      This technique clarifies your goals, sharpening your focus, and making your ambitions feel more real and attainable. It not only shows you ‘what’ but also ‘how’, enhancing every step of your journey.

      Building Confidence

      Visualizing success boosts your self-esteem, reinforcing your belief in your ability to reach your goals. This, in turn, energizes your drive to act.

      Detailing the Vision

      Dive deep into the specifics—picture the sights, sounds, and emotions you’ll experience. This detailed imagery enriches the visualization, making it more powerful.

      Daily Routine

      Make visualization a daily habit. Dedicate a few minutes each day to clearly imagine your success. This keeps your goals vivid and central, continuously influencing your decisions and actions.

      If you want to refine this skill, consider exploring techniques that can enhance your visualization practice, like those outlined in Visualization Techniques to Help You Reach Your Goals.

      Bottom Line

      The path to actualizing your dreams and ambitions hinges on a single, pivotal factor: action.

      It’s the bridge that connects the realm of ideas and plans to the tangible world of results and achievements.

      Without action, the most elaborate plans remain dormant, unfulfilled potentialities.

      Becoming more action-oriented is not just about getting things done; it’s about fundamentally transforming how you interact with your goals, challenges, and opportunities.

      It’s about moving from a passive state of dreaming and planning to an active state of doing and achieving.

      The essence of becoming more action-oriented lies in transforming your intentions into actions, your dreams into realities.

      It’s about adopting strategies that drive you forward, whether it’s through setting clear directions, embracing a growth mindset, or visualizing success.

      In doing so, you unlock a world where progress, achievement, and fulfillment are not just possibilities but inevitabilities.


      Don't have time for the full article? Read this.

      How to Be More Action-Oriented & Overcome Inaction

      Action Strengthens with Use: Like a muscle, the more you practice taking action, the stronger your ability to act becomes.

      Setting a Direction: Start with a general direction or a ‘North Star’ instead of an overwhelming grand goal to initiate action.

      Implementation Intention: Create specific plans detailing when, where, and how you’ll perform a behavior to increase the likelihood of action.

      Adopting a Growth Mindset: Embrace the belief that abilities can improve with effort, which encourages learning from setbacks and trying new things.

      Visualization Techniques: Regularly visualize achieving your goals and becoming your desired self to enhance motivation and belief in your capabilities.

      Overcoming Procrastination: Being action-oriented helps combat procrastination, leading to more consistent progress towards goals.

      Developing Resilience: An action-oriented mindset fosters resilience, aiding in overcoming challenges and bouncing back from failures.

      Gaining Control and Fulfillment: Taking action leads to a greater sense of control over your life and contributes to a feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment.


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