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Leisure, Lifestyle

6 Fun Ways to Celebrate Summer Even When You’re Stuck in the Office

Summertime is the season of days at the beach, poolside cocktails and vacations in far-flung regions of the globe. From blaring backyard BBQs to the plethora of pool parties, everything reminds you that summer is in full-swing. The only thing that hasn’t changed is the fact that you still have to go to work during the week, despite the draw to be outside 24/7.

But summer fun doesn’t have to be reserved for weekends and vacations – with a few creative ideas it can be celebrated at work as well! Here are a few suggestions to bring summer right to your cubicle.

1. Put a Basket of Stone Fruit at Your Desk for a Seasonal Touch

Nothing says summer more than the smell of peaches, plums and nectarines. Having a bowl full of summer fruit within arm’s reach at your desk will not only be a visual pick-me-up, but the scent alone will be a pleasant perfume reminding you of the season. Remember, the fresher, the better, so try to buy your fruit at local farmer’s markets or roadside stands.

Cherries are another delicious and healthy summer snack, so make sure to pack a few of these festive treats.

2. Hang Postcards From Past Trips In Your Cubicle

Bringing in visual mementos of past vacations will remind you of trips planned for the near future. Part of the fun of going away is the anticipation beforehand, so you want to maximize that daydream period as much as possible.

On especially slow afternoons, use these visuals as motivators for getting your work done. Remind yourself of the white sand beach that you will be on in a month or the new city you will be exploring in just a few weeks.

3. Prepare Picnic-Style Foods for Your Lunch

Who says you can only have a picnic on the weekends? Bring macaroni salad, hot dogs or hamburgers, and a slice of pie to brighten up your lunch hour. Make it a weekly event and invite co-workers to join, where everyone contributes a dish. The break room is a perfectly acceptable place to have your picnic lunch, but if you have a nearby park it would be a shame not to use it.

4. Take Ice Cream Breaks

Instead of your usual afternoon coffee break, how about an icy treat instead? Scope out a nearby fro-yo or ice cream shop and grab a few co-workers for a sugary boost. You could even dedicate one day a week as “ice cream day”. It will have everybody looking forward to something cold and sweet, especially on those extra hot summer days.

Want a healthier option? Go for fruit popsicles or organic smoothies instead. Better yet, try making your own.

5. Trade In Your Usual Drinking Cup for Something Bright and Festive

Summer is all about color and it’s important to remember this even while in the office. Switch out your usual water cup or bottle for something bright, preferably neon-colored. In addition to serving as a reminder to stay hydrated during the warmer months, it will bring a smile to your face as you think about the beach party you’re invited to this weekend.

6. Listen to Music That Reminds You of the Season

Music always sets the mood and is especially effective for transporting you out of the office to a more desirable destination. Whether you crave Bob Marley or the Beach Boys as your soundtrack, pumping those songs through your headphones will instantly upgrade your day.

Summertime offers a great opportunity to change the mood at work. Try a few of these tips and bring a little warmth and sunshine inside your office.

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