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How To Grow A Lemon Tree From A Seed At Home

Written by Bill Widmer
Content Marketing Expert
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Lemons are a healthy snack, boasting lots of illness-fighting Vitamin C and tons of other health benefits. If you’re like me, you prefer to purchase organic fruits and veggies for added benefit and to avoid all the toxic bug chemicals they use – unfortunately, this can be expensive. Luckily, you can grow your own organic lemons right at home – and it’s not very difficult, either! Read on to find out how to grow a lemon tree.

What You Will Need

Whether you want lemons to squeeze on your food, put in your water, or in order to make lemonade, there are a few things you’ll need to grow the tree:

  • An organic lemon (inorganic lemon seeds don’t germinate as well)
  • High-quality potting soil
  • A 6″ deep by 6″ wide pot
  • A 12″ deep by 24″ pot for transferring the plant
  • A spray bottle for watering
  • Plastic wrap and a rubber band
  • A sunny spot in your house and/or a grow lamp
  • Organic citrus fertilizer with nitrogen (optional, but recommended for best results)

How to Grow It

Once you have all your materials, take these steps and you’ll have your very own lemon tree! (Keep in mind, the best time to grow a lemon tree is in the spring – but that doesn’t mean it must be in the spring, it will just be easier.)

  1. Water the soil until it’s damp (not soaked) all the way through.
  2. Fill the smaller pot with soil to an inch below the rim.
  3. Cut open the lemon and take out a seed. Clean all the pulp off the seed (you can suck it dry or just use a paper towel/napkin – just make sure it’s still a little moist).
  4. While the seed is still moist, plant it about half an inch deep in the center of the pot.
  5. Mist the topsoil above the seed with your spray bottle.
  6. Cover the pot with plastic wrap and use the rubber band to get a tight seal around the edges. Poke a few small holes in the top with a pencil.
  7. Place the pot in a warm, sunny place.
  8. Continue misting the soil periodically to prevent drying out (again, don’t soak it – just keep it damp).
  9. Within two weeks, you should see a sprout. At this point, remove the plastic covering and add a grow lamp (optional) to ensure it’s getting plenty of light.
  10. The plant needs 8 hours of light a day and the soil should always be damp. For added benefit, add some organic fertilizer (optional).
  11. Watch for pests and diseases. Prune away dead leaves as necessary, and use a pesticide (only if you absolutely must). Keep an eye on and protect your little lemon tree!
  12. Once the plant outgrows the first pot, carefully transfer it to the second, larger pot. While older plants don’t need as much water, you should continue keeping the soil slightly damp and watching for pests and disease.

Once you’re finished with all 12 steps, you will have successfully grown your very own lemon tree from a seed in your own home! You should feel accomplished. Be sure to take good care of it, and it will continue producing lemons for you for years to come.


Tip: For best results, continue to fertilize the lemon tree with an organic fertilizer every month from spring through summer. The fertilizer will help your lemon tree grow and produce bigger and better lemons!

Now you know how to grow a lemon tree from a seed. Give yourself a pat on the back! Be sure to share this article so we can bring more lemon trees into the world. Happy growing, and good luck!

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