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Fitness, Lifestyle

10 Ideal Inner Thigh Exercises To Trim And Tone

Written by Alicia Prince
A writer, filmmaker, and artist who shares about lifestyle tips and inspirations on Lifehack.
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Exercising is an exceptional way to give yourself an energy boost, protect your health, and stay in shape. One area notoriously difficult to exercise however, is the inner thigh. Most exercises don’t place a lot of strain on these muscles, so it can be easy to forget about. them However, if you’re looking to tone up or just want to push yourself in new ways, these 10 incredible inner thigh exercises will have you feeling the burn in no time.

1. Squats



    This leg exercise’s mainstay is a powerful inner thigh exercise. First, place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Slowly lower yourself into a squat position, hold the squat for one second, then straighten your legs to the starting position.

    2. Squat With Ball



      This modified squat is another excellent inner thigh exercise. Stand with your back to a wall, and place an exercise ball between your back and the wall. Then, place your feet shoulder width apart, with your toes pointing straight ahead. Place a sports or medicine ball just above your knees, and squeeze your inner thighs to keep the ball steady. Lower into a squat, then slowly return to standing.

      3. Inner-thigh Press



        This exercise is an effective way to re-create the muscles worked when you use a thigh master. Lie on your back, then bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor – as if you’re about to do a sit up. Place a sports ball or pilates “magic circle” (pictured) between your knees and contract your inner thighs for about 30 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds and repeat.

        4. Side Lunge



          Another powerful inner thigh exercise is the side lunge, since it also shapes your glutes and lower body. Stand with your feet much wider than shoulder width apart, with your toes turned slightly outward. Bend one leg into a squat position so your weight is entirely on this leg, with your knee slightly over your toes. Repeat this move on the other leg to complete one rep.

          5. Sliding Plank Abduction


          Sliding your legs while in a typical plank position is another fantastic inner thigh exercise. Place each foot on a folded towel, paper plate, or gliding disk, then strike a plank position. Hold the plank position with your upper body (on either your hands or elbows), while you slide your legs into a wide V shape. Slide your legs back together into the starting plank position and repeat.

          6. Inner Thigh Squeeze And Lift



            This simple exercise is another effective inner thigh exercise, and can be modified for your fitness level by using a heavier or lighter ball. Start by lying on your side with your head supported by the arm closest to the floor. Bend your other arm so your hand is on the floor to stabilize your upper body, but avoid using this arm to bear weight. Place the ball between your ankles, then lift both your legs 6 inches off the ground. You will need to squeeze your inner thighs in order to hold the ball between your legs. Hold this position for several seconds, or squeeze and unsqueeze the ball several times. Return to the starting position. Don’t forget to do this exercise on both sides.


            7. Froggies


            Not only will this exercise tone your inner thighs, it is an effective cardio exercise as well. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart with your knees and toes angled outwards. Keep your chest upright then squat at about 90 degrees. From squatting, jump into the air and land once more in a squat. As shown above, your arms should swing upwards as you jump. Additionally, this move can be altered for a deeper or shallower squat. Do as many reps as you choose, but be sure to take a rest period between each set.

            8. Walking Lunge/Step Lunges



              Another excellent inner thigh exercise is the step lunge. Not only will this exercise work your thighs, but it also tones your hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, and core. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep your back straight as you step forward. Use a slightly wider stride than normal, then bend both legs to lower into a lunge. Push off your back foot and step forward, so your back leg is now your front leg and repeat.

              9. Split Squat Jump


              Similarly, a great way to trim your inner thigh is the split squat jump. Start by moving one leg forward, as if performing a step lunge, and stop mid stride. Bend both legs into the step lunge position from above, but instead of stepping forward into the next lunge, jump up and switch to the other leg. Land in a lunge position on this leg, then repeat.

              10. Pulsing Squat/Frog Squat


              A pulsing squat, or frog squat, is also an excellent inner thigh exercise. Use the same stance as the first squat exercise, then bend to a squat position. Pulse up-and-down for 30 to 40 seconds, ending in the squat position with your knees at a 90° angle. Stand to end the exercise, then rest and repeat.

              Featured photo credit: Rance Costa via flickr.com

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