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12 Things Only Slow People Would Understand

Written by Matt OKeefe
Matt is a marketer and writer who shares about lifestyle and productivity tips on Lifehack.
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Slow people sometimes get a bad rap, criticized for taking too long or not being decisive enough. Being slow is a silly quality for people to complain about, though, because of all the good that comes from being a little slower than most, like patience and being able to really listen to the person doing most of the talking. Read on about the things which slow people understand, but most others don’t seem to.

1. You don’t like to rush.

Slow people don’t particularly enjoy the feeling of being in a hurry. They appreciate the opportunity to do things at a relaxed, comfortable pace. Some might complain that they need to get their butts in gear, but those individuals should realize different people are wired different ways.

2. You want to think more deeply than most people.

Frankly, a lot of people have pretty shallow beliefs and ideas. Slow people don’t want to be among that number, spending the time it takes to have complex, insightful thoughts.

3. You only speak when you have something to say.

Those who respond to questions before they’ve finished being asked it usually don’t answer them very well. By taking a little longer, slow people know how to make the things they say matter more. Others will forget that it took you awhile to get your reply out, but they’ll remember the answer if it was a wise one.

4. You want to savor every mouthful.

Someone who eats a meal or reads a book slowly is really maximizing the joy they derive from it. Some people are in too big of a hurry to actually enjoy what they’re consuming. Slow people know better than to do that.

5. You’re patient with others.

Because you understand what it’s like to want to take your time, you don’t get mad at others for wanting to do the same. Eliminating that restless anger from your life is good for you in both mind and spirit, and people will like you better for being a more positive person.


6. You don’t say the first thing that comes to mind.

A lot of people shout out the first thing that pops into their head, and suffer for it. Slow people don’t make that mistake, searching for the best answers rather than the quickest ones.

7. You like to listen.

Slow people don’t always like to talk, but they tend to cherish the chance to listen to somebody else share their story. Everyone likes someone who actually listens to them instead of someone just waiting for a chance to interject and get back to talking about themselves.

8. You love being alone sometimes.

Slow people tend to be introverts, meaning they derive energy from being on their own rather than socializing with others. It’s amazing what an hour alone doing their own thing can do for a slow person’s mood and energy.

That ability to quickly reinvigorate is valuable.

9. You don’t like having to be improvisational.

If you were a comedian, you would prefer stand-up over improv. Slow people prefer to prepare something in advance rather than rely on being interesting and entertaining at a moment’s notice.

10. You’re more of a writer than a talker.

By the same token, the chance to prepare what they’re going to say by putting words to paper is invaluable to many slow people. Some types of people deliver their best speeches without a script, but slow people like having that safety net.

11. You want to avoid making mistakes.

Slow people are often perfectionists, dissatisfied with the idea of not getting everything right. But this just means they make less errors.


12. You want to always do the right thing.

Too many say the wrong things and then make stupid decisions because they don’t really think through their choices. Slow people prefer to avoid this problem by being absolutely sure that they’re not making avoidable mistakes.

That dedication to getting things right is yet another benefit to being a little slower than most.

Featured photo credit: Girl with Sunglasses in a Bed/VIKTOR HANACEK via picjumbo.com

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