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Communication, Motivation

5 Secrets To Keep You Going Even When You Think You Can’t

Written by Ana Erkic
Social Media Consultant, Online Marketing Strategist, Copywriter, CEO and Co-Founder of Growato
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“I can’t do this, this is too difficult” is a sentence most of us have said many times. We come across a situation that seems overwhelming and impossible to overcome. We feel frustrated and don’t see the solution. We think it’s too heavy a burden to carry, and we don’t know how to move forward. Encountering such situations is an inevitable part of our lives, and everyone faces them eventually. However, what you can do is decide how you look at these kinds of situations, and how you approach them. Finding a little motivation goes a long way, and we give you out 5 secrets that will keep you going.

1. Fake it until you make it

It is always the most difficult to start something especially when you feel like you don’t have the skills to handle it, but you should always try to approach that task as if you can do it. No one feels 100% confident that they can do something, yet the trick is to keep going and eventually you will either fail and learn something from it anyway, or you will get the hang of it and start feeling more confident.

2. Break tasks into small manageable tasks

Whenever you face something that intimidates you, it might feel overwhelming to deal with such a huge prospect. In such situations, the best practice is not to approach it as a whole, but rather break it down into as small steps as possible. For each step, see how it can be further divided into even smaller sets of sub-steps, and then to complete one step at a time. Before you know it, you will overcome it and tell yourself “Wow, that wasn’t all that difficult!”

3. Look at motivational quotes

Motivation should be something that inspires you to move forward through the difficulties because you have a clear purpose or goal in your mind. Quotes or posters can help you understand that the difficulties will pass and help you see the proverbial light at the end of tunnel. Remember that no matter what is happening, someone has already gone through what you are going through now. Find out what advice they have to offer, write it down, and look at it every time you feel lost and hopeless. Knowing and seeing that others have gone through the same struggle will inspire you and give you the strength.

4. Remind yourself that everyone fails at first

The fear of failure often prevents us from trying something new and facing difficult situations. You don’t know if you are good at something if you don’t try it – just remember that even the biggest experts in different fields had their share of failures. It’s normal that you won’t do everything perfect right from the start, but through trial and error we learn. By acknowledging the mistakes we made, we realize what we need to change and improve. Nobody’s perfect. We all make mistakes when we find ourselves in unfamiliar situations, but the trick is to find a lesson in every mistake and go on.

5. Seek support from close ones 

Even when you feel like you are alone and there’s no one to help you, you always have someone who will support you. If you feel like you just want to give up and give in, talk to your close ones. Your family members or your close friend will likely offer genuine words of support, since they probably felt the same as you at some point and truly understand you. Your close ones can give you the best advice and encourage you to keep going.


Featured photo credit: https://unsplash.com/ via unsplash.com

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