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Food and Drink, Lifestyle

8 Amazing Things That Will Happen When You Start Eating Guava

Written by Jolie Adam

A few weekends ago, over brunch, I ordered guava juice at the suggestion of the server. I’d never seen or tried the exotic fruit although the name rang some dormant bell. The light mauve drink looked just as enticing as the wonderful, fruity scent. One sip and I was hooked. I wanted to figure out a bit more about guavas and in my research, was repeatedly impressed by the many benefits this modest fruit packs. Luckily, this delicious fruit is becoming increasingly common and available in the western world. Here are a few things you’ll experience when eating guava regularly.

1. You will feel bright and radiant.

Guava contains four times more Vitamin C than oranges, helping you boost your immunity. It also has Vitamin E which nourishes, rejuvenates and hydrates skin. A guava a day will protect you from colds and flus. It’s no secret that healthy skin is hydrated skin and packing 81% water content per guava, it’s sure to quench more than your thirst. All the wonderful, anti-inflammatory benefits of this fruit will help you feel and look your best.

2. You will experience a positive change in mood.

Finishing off my glass of guava juice, I felt like I’d just ingested a tall glass of sunshine. Rich in copper, this targets thyroid function which balances your hormones and increases energy. Along with the aforementioned bundle of Vitamin C, regular intake of guava can lower anxiety and elevate your mood. Since your hormones will be balanced from your healthy thyroid, it’ll be easier to maintain your good mood throughout the day.

3. You will feel sharp.

Rich in B3 and B6, this fruit will improve blood circulation to the brain and help sharpen your focus. B3 helps the body utilize sugars, protein and fatty acids to create energy. And B6 supports the synthesis of dopamine and serotonin, two of the four neurotransmitters responsible, when chemically balanced, for your happiness and pleasure.

4. Your vision will improve.

This humble fruit has a good amount of Vitamin A, ten times the amount in a lemon, which is important for eye health. Not only can it help you keep your vision intact, it also aids in the reversal of eyesight degradation and prevention of ocular illnesses and conditions such as cataracts.

5. You might experience healthier hair growth.

Guavas boast a healthy amount of manganese which aids in the absorption of many necessary vitamins your body requires. This helps key elements in healthy hair growth such as biotin in getting retained and nourishing right at the source. Hydration is also an essential component of healthy and strong hair growth and guavas, similar to watermelons, have a high water content.

6. You will feel very relaxed.

Magnesium content in guavas help with muscle and nerve relaxation. Consuming a ripe guava or guava juice after an arduous workout might just be the small but quick therapy you need. Its benefits also include a decrease in cholesterol and blood pressure while relieving migraines. Consuming guavas regularly improves blood circulation which carries oxygen and nutrients to all body tissues.

7. You will be more “regular”.

Packed with a considerable amount of fiber along with potassium, eating guavas regularly will help cleaning your digestive system and aid in easier bowel movements. Guavas contain almost the same amount of potassium as a banana. The astringent properties of the fruit clean the stomach while anti-oxidants like Vitamin A and C flush out impurities.

8. You will notice an improvement in Blood Pressure

Guavas are fairly low in calories (68 calories per 100g). Incorporating them in your diet would contribute to an improvement in high blood pressure as they lower bad cholesterol, a key factor in heart disease and hypertension. Their ability to reduce blood pressure was mentioned in a 1993 study published in the Journal of Human Hypertension. Reversely, they improve good cholesterol and the lycopene content found in pink-fleshed guava reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Hopefully, all the beneficial health properties of guavas listed above will entice you to try or incorporate them into your regular eating habits.

Featured photo credit: Guavas P1020070-1 by Beyond Forgetting via