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13 Things Only People Who Live In Places Where Summer Lasts All Year Long Would Understand

Written by Don Karp

Why would someone want to live in a place where it’s summer all year? Wouldn’t it get boring? Most people who live in this type of climate would not want to give it up for anything. Here are 15 reasons why.

1. You enjoy the freedom of needing to wear no more than shorts, a T-shirt and sandals most of the time.

Loose cotton clothing provides more freedom of movement than a heavy winter coat. This saves on laundry bills, too. When you do your own wash, it dries on the line very rapidly.

2. You will wear a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.

The sun is stronger here and you need to protect yourself. You need to be prepared for a refreshing downfall in those areas with rainy seasons. Some nights might require a light jacket or sweater.

3. You enjoy the abundance and variety of fresh, healthy inexpensive food, especially fruits.

Many of these, like papaya, pineapple and avocado, are not available elsewhere all year, and do not have the same good flavor as when freshly picked. The vitality of food is very high. Most farmers can’t afford the cost of agro-chemicals, and they let their animals graze freely. You will need to treat some food with disinfectants and be mindful of what you eat and where you go when eating out.

4. You can easily grow your own food all year.

For those of you who enjoy gardening you’ll enjoy harvesting your own fresh salad: tomatoes, lettuce, and etc., and picking from fruit trees every day.

5. You enjoy a more laid back lifestyle where personal relationships and living in the present predominate.

No more hectic schedules or stacked appointments.

6. You enjoy a cheaper lifestyle.

This varies with the locale, but is generally true.

7. You are out in nature every day, grateful for the climate that makes it easy for that kind of connection.

Being outdoors with ease all year makes you healthier. You do not suffer from SAD caused by lack of sun. You lose weight easily because of the healthier food choices available and because you can be outdoors hiking in nature and getting exercise every day.

8. You realize that year round summer just doesn’t mean the beach.

You can also enjoy desert, jungle and mountains. The climate is a sports enthusiast’s delight. Whether you are into water sports like fishing, boating, surfing and scuba diving, or are more land-based in your activities, like golf, rock climbing and soccer, you can indulge all year.

9. You meet many interesting adventurers from all around the world.

The laid back lifestyle, and everyone being outside all of the time, make it easy to meet people and make new friends. There are many venues for social interaction: cafes in the morning, and beers and music in the afternoon and evening.

10. You find that travel is relatively inexpensive, as are accommodations.

Public transportation is very accessible and inexpensive. You are happy while driving not to be sliding on ice and into snow banks. Many back roads are very bumpy and dusty.

11. You don’t need heating systems, insulation or heavy carpeting.

You must prepare your living space to keep out mold. Proper plastering and interior painting are essential in keeping out moisture. It’s cheaper to build your own dream house here.

12. You will be cleaning your house often.

A lot of dust settles every day. You need to be aware of scorpions when you do a deep cleaning or move boxes or other items that have been in storage a long time.

13. You discover that your family and friends will think you have a wonderful life in a beautiful place and will come visit you!

With all of these benefits, it’s hard to conceive of living anywhere else!

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