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5 Productivity Hacks For Your Office Space

Written by Kelly Gregorio
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Whether you’re in a corner office or a cubical, if you enter your workspace day after day with a tired sigh, you’ve got a problem.  Work may be relatively the same day in and day out, but your attitude is the variable factor.  If you carry the day on with a sagging frown and heavy head, your tasks will seem that much harder and your productivity rates will lag on that much slower.

We all know that our attitudes directly affect our energy levels, which in turn, affect our productivity rates.  Do yourself a favor and implement these 5 productivity hacks for your office. Not only will they make you more productive, but they also promise to brighten your mood and your workday.

Kill The Clutter

Unless you prefer to work in a big pile of mess, clutter stands to be a killer of productivity.  After all, if your desk isn’t clear, how can you expect your brain to be?  Start by killing the clutter with a quick game of Keep, Toss, or Store.

Throw out unnecessary trash, scan and save certain documents, and file others away.  The object is to get your desk clear so that there is nothing left to focus on but work.  Also, consider keeping a duster and furniture wipes handy.  There’s nothing like a clean sweep to give your work space a quick and noticeable pick me up.

White Boards Are Your Friend

Sure, you may have a master calendar, but looming over a lengthy to-do list can kill your mood and energy.  Instead, keep your day’s pertinent tasks focused on a small white board.

A whiteboard is a great tool for defining and timeline short-term goals.  At the start of each day, jot down three-five of your most pressing tasks.  Set reasonable time frames for completing each project and exhale as you wipe each one away.


Snack and Surf

Speaking of planning and preparing, be sure to plan to disconnect as well.  Block out times (in between your whiteboard tasks) for activities like checking your email or surfing the net.  Commit to keeping your breaks to less than ten minutes with empowering thoughts.

For example saying, “I don’t break until I’m done with my work” is a lot easier to abide by than “I can’t take a break until I finish my work.”  Don’t push yourself into a power struggle between me, myself, and I; instead stay firm with affirmative, in-charge thinking.

Double the benefits of your break time by incorporating a fiber-rich snack.  Whatever snacks you choose to keep around make sure that they are high in fiber and protein.  Apples, trail mix, pears, and pistachios are easy-to-store snacks that can give your break an added boost.

Enhance Your Environment

When it comes to productivity, warmer temperatures win.  If your space is on the cold side, consider closing vents and welcoming in fresh air with an open window.  (For solo fixes, keep a warm sweater and hot tea bags on standby.) Also, florescent lighting can kill your mood and energy levels, try to trade it in for as much natural light as possible.

Remember that ergonomic furniture will keep you feeling good after long days at your desk.  Supportive back pillows can stand in as substitutes, and keep in mind that you have the power to correct a poor sitting situation.  Be mindful of keeping proper posture; keep your feet flat on the floor and ensure proper circulation by making sure your knees stay lower than your thighs.

Decorate For Inspiration

If you want to increase your productivity and mood, then your office has to be someplace you want to be.  Depending on your location, consider painting a wall a bright color, or at the very least, add some energizing pops of color with throw pillows (red, orange, purple and yellow are colors known to boost mood and ignite passion).


A throw rug and a live plant are simple tricks that can make your office space feel more inviting.   Not feeling inspired?  Try rearranging your furniture, new positioning can be the perfect perk your space needs.

How does your office space help you stay productive?

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