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Food and Drink, Health, Lifestyle

7 Superfoods To Restore Energy When You’re Burnt Out

Written by Brian Wu, MD
Health Writer, Author
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If you’re like many people, life just comes at you too fast to take much time out for yourself. Work, kids, commutes and life in general keep you on the go and there is little time for exercise or other healthy habits.  However, there are ways that you can make your lifestyle healthier even with a really hectic schedule. Nutritionally speaking, super foods give you more bang for your buck and load your body with the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber you need to do everything from fighting off cancer to reducing your risk of diabetes. Read below to learn more about the best super foods to include on this list and how to get them into your diet.

1. Almonds


    Almonds are a great source of plant-based proteins and fibers that will keep your energy levels high throughout the day. Also, their unique blend of vitamins B and E as well as minerals like magnesium and iron are a great way to fight fatigue, no matter what life throws at you.

    2. Hot Peppers


      Peppers will add some real zest to even the blandest diet, but they will also bring you some great health benefits as well. The compounds, like capsaicin, which give these peppers their heat also help to increase circulation. That will bring higher levels of fatigue-fighting oxygen to your brain.

      An easy way to get more peppers in your diet is this recipe for a spicy gazpacho.

      3. Leafy Greens


        Greens like spinach, arugula, Swiss chard, and kale are great fatigue-fighters, particularly if you suffer from anemia. These greens are not only rich in iron to help build your red blood cells, they are also high in vitamin C, making it easier for your body to absorb the iron. What a perfect combination!

        In order to add more leafy greens to your diet, try this recipe for a quick and easy spinach salad.

        4. Spices


          Spices like ginger or turmeric will add zest to any number of dishes as well as make you healthier. Their active ingredients, including curcumin and gingerolis, help to reduce inflammation and prevent many illnesses by strengthening the immune system, which can lead to less fatigue over time.

          To spice up your diet, try this great recipe for turmeric milk.

          5. Bananas


            Bananas are another fast and simple way to get healthy without very much effort. Bananas are also rich in the fiber that will keep your blood sugar levels consistent throughout the day and their potassium puts some pep in your step as well, even if your day gets pretty physical.


            Want a fast and easy way to get those bananas on the menu? Then this recipe for a banana smoothie is perfect for you!

            6. Quinoa


              Quinoa is a great alternative to dishes like pasta whose high levels of carbs can leave you feeling sluggish and fatigued.  These great grains are actually fairly low in carbohydrates and provide your body with some great high-quality vegetarian protein to keep energy levels up.  Nutrients like B-complex vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and iron will fight fatigue as well.

              Get more quinoa into your diet with recipes like quinoa with veggies.

              7. Chia Seeds


                Like quinoa, chia seeds give your energy levels a boost by providing high-quality protein without excessive carbohydrates or unhealthy fats to keep blood sugars steady and hunger at bay.  Their fatigue-fighting properties are helped by the presence of B5 and because they can absorb large amounts of fluid, they can help prevent dehydration-related fatigue as well.

                Try this great recipe for chia pudding to add more chia seeds to your daily fare.

                In short, you do not have to make radical or time-consuming lifestyle changes in order to reap the benefits of the superfoods listed above. Try the recipes listed to make these changes even easier to implement. Then sit back and watch your health improve!

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