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15 Productivity Hacks For Empaths

Written by Bruce Harpham
Bruce Harpham is a Project Management Professional and Founder and CEO of Project Management Hacks.

Empaths have an above average understanding of emotions and connecting with people. While logic is important, emotional understanding and skills are vital in the art of human relations. Let’s explore 15 ways that empaths reach success through their emotional skills.

1. They focus on the speaker

By focusing on a single person, empaths gain several advantages. They absorb information form the speaker and tend to remember that information better. Second, close focus affirms the other person’s value. You can develop this ability by learning listening skills. When in doubt, look directly at the speaker’s face as they speak to maintain focus.

2. They read facial expressions

Effective communication requires a combination of skills that go beyond words. Empathic people are skilled at reading facial expressions to understand if a person is angry, happy or sending other emotional signals. These facial messages are vitally important to making a true connection.

3. They read body language

How we move plays a role in communication and productivity effectiveness. Empaths know how to read hand gestures and know what to avoid in presentations. Likewise, empathic people know when and how to send signals with their body language. Using body language to communicate often saves time compared to sending emails back and forth.

4. They manage stress through conversation

Empaths know how to manage stress in conflict situations. After all, screaming is rarely a good solution in the working world. Empaths know how to talk through their problems to manage stress at the end of a long day. They are able to have these conversations because they take the time to develop good relationships.

5. They learn faster with relationships

Learning new ideas and techniques is one of the best ways to increase your productivity. While reading books is a great idea, there are limits to what you can learn through that method. Empaths are skilled at learning how experts and other people do tasks – it is one of their ‘secret weapons’ to get ahead.

6. They tell good stories to connect with people

Empaths know that telling stories is one of the fastest ways to build a connection with people. That’s why empaths know how to deliver a good story. For example, empaths know how to create metaphors to make sure their ideas are remembered. To improve your storytelling skills, read the book “Made to Stick.”

7. They know how to manage their emotions

Managing your emotions through the day is a skill that empaths have developed to a strong degree. This high level of self-awareness means they know when to avoid difficult conversations. Likewise, empaths know when to express their emotions to make a point such as celebrating a big sale or the completion of an important project.

8. They bring a positive attitude to work

Empaths know the merits of bringing a good attitude to their work. A good attitude means smiling at coworkers and refusing to get involved in gossip. Empaths know the world is filled with joy and suffering. That means we can choose what to focus on. For more instruction on this point, read John Maxwell’s book The Difference Maker. Attitude is an outlook we choose to adopt every day.

9. They give good compliments

Giving good compliments makes empaths more productive. It’s true! Giving good compliments improves relationships and makes it easier to ask for help later on. Giving praise and positive feedback is a valuable skill, especially for those in management jobs. Variety and detail matter in compliments – it is effective to give compliments in emails, letters and in-person.

10. They listen closely during conflict

Conflict is all around us as we strive to achieve challenging goals. For example, project management conflict includes meeting deadlines, satisfying the customer and managing the project team. To solve conflict, empaths start by listening closely and asking good questions. Many conflicts are easily solved or reduced in complexity through effective listening.

11. They know how and when to encourage people to grow

Empaths know how to build other people up at work. It is one of their best people management skills. For example, an empath knows their staff well so that they know when to encourage. Some shy professionals may prefer a 1-on-1 conversation to receive encouragement. Encouragement helps people revive and get back to work after suffering defeats or setbacks.

Tip: Read 20 Encouraging Quotes to Level Up Your Life for inspiration.

12. They get big wins by building relationships over time

Many people date for years before they decide to get married – relationships simply need time to develop. Professional relationships also need time to develop and empaths are masters at this front. For example, empaths in sales know how to gradually build rapport with potential customers. The process is similar for networking and job hunting: empaths get to know people gradually through a series of meetings before they ask for anything.

13. They have a “dream team” to help them

Winning in life requires a team who supports you with favors, advice and resources. Empaths know how to build a network of mentors, friends and sponsors who help them reach their goals. Empaths are also giving people who avoid keeping score in their relationships. Remember, you have value to share with other people – ideas, book suggestions, introductions and more!

14. They have friends who support them

A strong social life is an asset that makes empaths productive and happy. After all, relaxation techniques have their limits. By going out with friends and relaxing, empaths come back to their work feeling refreshed and happy. In her books about successful people, author Laura Vanderkam found that successful people plan leisure activities on the weekend. Empaths take that idea up a notch by including friends and family.

15. They reflect on their feelings

Self reflection helps empaths understanding their feelings and make sense of their day. If this practice does not come naturally to you, consider using the 5 Minute Journal. For example, you may realize that you always feel angrry after meetings with a certain client. After self reflection, you may do an 80/20 analysis and decide to part ways with that person. Constantly fighting off negative people is a major drain on your productivity.

Featured photo credit: Smiling Man/Paramjeet via