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Health, Lifestyle

10 Foods That Are Loaded with Antioxidants Which Help Prevent Aging

Written by Rick Delgado
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Picture an apple that you started eating and then put aside and temporarily forgot about. Did you notice how quickly it turned brown? That is exactly what is happening to your body if you do not consume enough antioxidant-high foods to combat its own oxidation process.

For example, take that same apple and coat it with orange juice, which is high in Vitamin C, an antioxidant. You will then see that it takes much longer to turn brown. The same thing happens to you when you eat plenty of foods that are high in antioxidants.

Free radicals in our body are always looking to become whole, and they will use healthy molecules if necessary. The more free radicals that we have, which are increased in numbers the more processed foods, soft drinks, pollution and stress that we consume or experience, the greater the likelihood that we will experience things such as cancer, heart disease, cataracts in the eyes and reduction of long-term memory and learning ability. To avoid all these, we need to look for food with antioxidants.

Fortunately, there are plenty of foods that are loaded with antioxidants. It is also proven that antioxidants can help prevent aging. Below is the list.

1. Goji Berries

These fruits, which possess a taste similar to cherries and cranberries, possess very high levels of zeaxanthin, which is noted for its impact on eye health. Goji berries also protect the immune system and lower blood cholesterol. These tasty fruits are native to China and are gradually gaining popularity throughout the world.

2. Açaí Berries

Açaí berries, which have their roots in the Brazilian rainforest, have been described as a berry that has the aroma of chocolate and is packed with natural antioxidants. In fact, açaí berries have more antioxidant strength than well-known foods such as blueberries. Many people use this tasty fruit in smoothies and tea.


3. Raw Cacao

This is chocolate stripped to its essence, which is important as the average chocolate bar that you may buy in the supermarket is not that nutritious. Raw cacao is made from unroasted cocoa beans that have been cold pressed. This differs from cocoa, which is roasted, a process that removes much of its nutritional value. Raw cacao, however, is believed to be the most concentrated source of antioxidants.

4. Herbal Green Tea

Another powerful beverage is green tea, which contains high levels of catechin polyphenols, which help with fat oxidation and the burning of fat at higher levels than would otherwise be the case. This tasty beverage also helps reduce rates of heart disease and cancer. It’s important to know that companies will often times add sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or artificial sweeteners into their green tea which will kill the antioxidant value that green tea offers.

5. Wild Blueberries

When blueberries  are one of the healthiest fruits on earth. The antioxidant value is very strong with blueberries. Cornell University in one of their research studies on wild blueberries discovered that antioxidants in blueberries perform better in cells compared to antioxidants from cranberries, apples, red and green grapes.

6. Eggs

Contrary to what many believe, eggs actually prevent heart disease and cancer. The yolks contain tyrosine and tryptophan, which are both high in antioxidants. However, eggs do lose about half of their antioxidant strength when they are cooked although they do still pack quite an antioxidant punch even in that case.

7. Flaxseed

One of the most important things that you can do for your diet is eat more products with high levels of omega 3, and flaxseed is one of the best sources for omega 3. In fact, King Charlemagne of Europe realized how powerful this food was more than 1,200 years ago and required that his citizens to eat it. Many people add it to oatmeal and cereal.

8. Wheatgrass

This food is known as a significant alkalizer, which is important as it helps reduce the acidity that other foods may have presented to your stomach and body. The flavonoids that are present in wheatgrass also help take care of those pesky free radicals. This food can be eaten raw, juiced or in powder form.


9. Pomegranate

This tasty fruit has been described as an antioxidant superstar. People have been consuming this nutritious food in western Asia since ancient times. Most of the pomegranate that Americans eat today is grown in the Southwestern United States.

10. Watercress

This can serve as a more nutritious substitute for lettuce on sandwiches or in salads. Watercress is noted for being a good source for zexanthin and lutein, antioxidants that promote eye health.

Featured photo credit: ayngelina via flickr.com

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