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Communication, Happiness

The One Question That Can Make Your Life Easier

Written by Tomi Rues
Adjunct college teacher, notebook/journal designer, author
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Do You Long For A Simpler, Easier Life?

Most of us desire a life that makes us happy. Many of us wish things weren’t so hard. We take steps to make life more fulfilling and do our best to feel happy. We think if we could win the lottery or declutter our whole house our lives would be perfect. We wish we had more time, less stress and that life could just be easier. We think if we could lose the weight, get the new job, take more vacations, and be more productive, life would finally be what we want it to be. All these things are wonderful goals, but where do we start and how do we actually accomplish them? How can we make our lives easier?

The One Question To Ask Yourself

Several years back I was throwing a baby shower for one of my close friends. When I started asking her all the many questions that come with throwing a baby shower, she said, “Oh, just keep it simple.” I continued to ask her a few questions, and then I realized she meant it. Whatever was easiest, would be best. She was completely right. You might think this lesson would stick, but we are creatures of habit, and one of my lifelong habits is to overthink everything.

Recently I read these words that have stayed emblazoned in my mind: Life is simple, we just make it harder than it is. This idea absolutely resonated with me. Could this concept be true? Is life really simple? Do we make things harder than they need to be? I wasn’t so sure about the first part, but I was sure about the second. I wasn’t sold on the concept of life being simple, but I was sold on the notion that I make things harder than they need to be. I have a tendency to overthink just about everything.

So, I decided to experiment with my life by asking myself the simple question: How can I make this simpler? I have applied it to all kinds of situations including: what to make for dinner, what to wear, how to use my time, what to read, my work, how to answer questions others ask me, etc.

The Happy Results You Will Experience

Since asking myself the question How can I make this simpler? I have experienced more ease in my life than ever. I feel less stress; I have more time. I am slowly becoming better at not overthinking every single thing. I am still thoughtful of different angles and scenarios and I still take action that feels best. I just don’t make it harder than it needs to be. I have simplified my thinking, which simplifies my actions, which in turn simplifies my life.

We are creatures of habit. Some people will always be wound up; others will always go with the flow. But those of us that long for an easier and simpler life can start achieving it by getting in the habit of asking ourselves a simple question that can alleviate a rush of thoughts that can cause us stress. As most of us know, it’s more stressful to have too many options. This is what we do when we overthink every decision in our lives. If you think about it, your entire life is made up of moment-to-moment decisions.


Life will always have a certain amount of stress. We will most likely always long for more. That’s okay. But, if we want to live an easier life we can start by simplifying it and not making things harder than they need to be. Try it. Ask yourself the question: How can I make this simpler?

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