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Food and Drink, Lifestyle

16 Common Food Words We Chronically Misspell

Written by Alicia Prince
A writer, filmmaker, and artist who shares about lifestyle tips and inspirations on Lifehack.
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In an age of auto correct, spellcheck, and predictive typing, we’re increasingly prone to forget proper spellings. Particularly tricky words appear to be the first to go, many of which are found in the kitchen. Since it’s essential to know you are communicating accurately, everyone could benefit from brushing up on their spelling. The following 16 food words are some of the most commonly misspelled that you should keep on top of.

Frittata Or Fritata?


    This Italian breakfast food approximately translates to “egg cake”, but is much more difficult to spell. However, it’s slightly easier if you remember”frittata” comes from the Italian word “fritta” (with two T’s), meaning fried.

    Omelet Or Omelette?


      “Omelet” or “omelette”? This is a trick question – both are correct. Countries using the United States standard spellings will generally spell it “omelet”, but countries using British standard spellings, or those with French influences, will likely spell it “omelette”.

      Barbecue Or Barbeque?


        The first easy to misspell word is “barbecue”. The short form “BBQ” is so abundant in packaging that it’s hard to remember that in this word, there’s no Q to be found.

        Creme Fraiche Or Creme Fresh?


          This typically sweet creamy sauce is easy to pronounce, but just remember: the name is French. Even though we say it “crem-fresh”, to write it as such is painfully wrong.

          Tomato Or Tomatoe?


            This is one word from the kitchen that’s easy to misspell because we tend to think of the word “toe”. Despite a hard O sound, there is no E on the end of “tomato”.

            Gnocchi Or Nocchi?


              Another word that’s easy to misspell is “gnocchi”. A pasta traditionally made from potatoes, this word features another pair of repeating letters. If that’s not enough, the silent G at the beginning is troublesome to remember for  spellers. Sometimes, it helps to picture the word “gnome” when spelling “gnocchi”.

              Reuben Or Ruben?


                This delicious sandwich is also an easy word to misspell. Not only do the vowels look like they’re in the wrong order, when someone is named Ruben, it’s often spelled differently. Just try to say “R-E-U-ben” in your head.

                Sandwich Or Sandwhich?


                  Another chronically misspelled food is “sandwich”. With so many meanings to the word “which”, sandwich can be one we mess up too. Another common mistake is to omit the D, because it’s rare you hear it pronounced.

                  Dessert Or Desert?


                    “Dessert” is another problematic word to spell because it’s easy to confuse with the word “desert”. Like mama always said, the one that’s better has two S’s.

                    Caesar Salad Or Cesar Salad?


                      “Caesar” is another word where it’s easy to forget letters. No matter how many times we see it, we somehow keep wishing to do away with the first A. Try to remember however, that it’s “Caesar salad”, as in “Julius Caesar”.

                      Vegetarian Or Vegitarian?


                        Another word that’s easy to miss spell because of repetitive letters is “vegetarian”. It can sometimes help you to use an E if you say “veggie-tarian” to yourself while spelling. Just don’t add an extra G.

                        Macaroni Or Maccaroni?


                          Another easy to misspell food word is “macaroni”. For some reason, it always feels like this word should have more than one C or R, but in fact it doesn’t. Hailing from Italy, this pasta’s name might be one you just have to memorize.

                          Daiquiri Or Daquiri?


                            This word, despite being on drink menus everywhere, is another one we chronically misspell. This word actually comes from a beach in Cuba, and does in fact have an I after the first A.

                            Kernel Or Kernnel?


                              This word is another food word that’s easy to misspell. A somewhat odd word, “kernel” is not only easy to mix up with “colonel” but also looks like it should have more letters.

                              Macaron Or Macaroon?


                                Another French food that’s easy to misspell is “macaron”. We pronounce this word “maka-roon”, so many people misspell it as “macaroon”. Since the meringue based dessert hails from France however, “macaron” is more correct.

                                Cappuccino Or Capuccino?


                                  Another word that is easy to misspell is “cappuccino”. Anytime you have two letters repeating, it can be hard to remember which ones. In this case, try to remember two Ps and two Cs.

                                  Fettuccine Or Fetuccine?


                                    Just like “cappuccino”, “fettuccine” can be a word where we get confused with double letters. Tty to remember that this word hails from Italy, so the letters break some of the typical English rules.


                                    Featured photo credit: julien haler via flickr.com

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