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Communication, Motivation

This Is Why You Should Forgive Yourself, No Matter What

Written by Casey Imafidon
Specialized in motivation and personal growth, providing advice to make readers fulfilled and spurred on to achieve all that they desire in life.

Forgiveness is such an enriching substance that it is so hard to make real progress without it. Fundamentally, our ego also depends on it. If we want to make things right we have to let go. Forgiveness also emanates from our spirituality and if we continue holding on to the past misdeeds of ourselves, or of others, we will dent our self-esteem and scar the best image of who we can be.
The truth is that there is already enough hatred, pain and persecution. It is really vain to continue building upon what is negative and damaging. Letting yourself radiate in love and learning to let go could be the decision you can ever make. Here are four reasons why should learn to forgive yourself no matter what.

You will find peace of mind

Forgiving yourself gives you peace. You stop being a captive to any resentment or grudges you may have and start focusing on other things that are important. You can let go and show you are willing to embrace freedom. There is no partial letting go, you have to let go completely so you can completely embrace peace.

You show strength

Whether it is courage or fairness, forgiveness gives you strength over the situation before you. You cannot really understand the depth of this when you are filled with anger and resentment over your past misdeeds. You can only accept this and understand this when you are willing to let go. It is not so easy to forgive or to let go as you think this poses some limitations or shows some weakness. But contrary is the case when you can forgive yourself, no matter what happens. The weak cannot forgive. Only the strong can. Show strength and forgive yourself.

You embrace a gift

Just like the gift of sunshine or rainfall, forgiveness is a gift we can give to ourselves. This all stems from understanding our spirituality and knowing that we are designed to be happy and never be held bound of anything. We are designed to be free and rise above situations. You cannot take full advantage of this gift of forgiveness unless you show willingness of letting go. You have to embrace this gift and take charge of your life.

You show responsibility

You are responsible for your next actions and the decisions you make. It should not be decided upon regret, resentment or a mistake. It should be decided on what direction you want to take and that will serve in your best interest. Taking charge of your life by forgiving yourself gives you ultimate responsibility and leadership of your life and what will happen to you.

You understand the importance of forgiveness

You have to be aware of your limitations and who you are to truly forgive yourself. However it is important to know that there is no one who has not been hurt or who has not made a mistake. Forgiving yourself makes you realize the position you are as an imperfect being that makes mistakes every now and then. You know what this means and rather than beat yourself over every terrible action you take, you can learn to tap into the benefits of forgiveness and be happy.

You can take more responsibility and live fully

Forgiving yourself permits you take more actions, knowing that you won’t be living in regrets or hurt after all. You can see a clear horizon rather than a distorted one of discomfort of uncertainty. You see everything you do as a learning point. After all you can start seeing yourself as a student of life. You start seeing possibilities and become more positive even in the face of wrongdoings and misgivings. You can be more tolerant and live better rather than live in bitterness.
Happiness is a choice after all. And if you really want to be happy, you can start taking an important choice of forgiving yourself no matter what and becoming happy.

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