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30 Unconventional And Wise Quotes About Hard Truths Of Life

Written by Nabin Paudyal
Co-Founder, Siplikan Media Group

Yes! The biographies of great people who took on the daunting task of changing the world are truly inspiring, their stories of courage and sacrifice fill our veins with adrenaline and make us believe we can change the world on our own. Unfortunately, sometimes everything isn’t so wonderful; the real world is much less dramatic and even more unforgiving.

As we grow up, we realize that the world does not revolve around us and our tenacious effort to make the world better place are no better than the futile labor of Sisyphus who rolled the stone all the way atop a hill only to watch it fall on its weight till eternity.

There are myriads of feel-good quotes on internet which make you feel optimistic and give you positive vibes about life but the majority of these are utopian concepts and barely applicable in day to day life.

On the list below are 30 unorthodox but realistic quotes about the hard truths of life.

1. It is important, but hard work doesn’t always guarantee success.


    2. Do not wait for miracles, you won’t be getting any.


      3. You do understand the risks of trying something out of the box and trying to do extraordinary things in life, right?


        4. No! You’re not Clint Eastwood in the Western movies.


          5. Going through tough times does not necessarily always mean you’ll be having it easy any time soon, it might also mean tougher times are ahead.


            6. In case you’re thinking experience will help you solve the riddles of life…


              7. At least you’ll find solace.


                8. Might as well give it a try.


                  9. You might save yourself from frustrations.


                    10. Hey! Just don’t lose hope okay!


                      11. You can always save yourself from further embarrassments.


                        12. Patience is not always a virtue.


                          13. Being different does not always mean you are useful.


                            14. Untried and untested – well you look brand new.


                              15. Sometimes it’s better to never get out of comfort zone, doing things like forming your own company might not work as well as sticking with your job.


                                16. Remember it could just easily have been you.


                                  17. Strong determination won’t get you things out of your reach.


                                    18. There is no point in crying over stupid people.


                                      19. Respect isn’t only a virtue for friends.


                                        20. Life is not always fair.


                                          21. Seize the day HUH!!


                                            22. Well, in case you think stupid people do not mount to anything.


                                              23. Well, not because you are passionate or anything…


                                                24. Taking risk is not always adventurous.


                                                  25. Accept it! You cannot always give your 100%.


                                                    26. Your success is what you make of it.


                                                      27. Eventually people get bored of marriage.


                                                        28. Well! Being optimistic does not magically creates a better idea.


                                                          29. Who says lying in couch all day eating junk food is bad?


                                                            30. Because a job well done is begging to be undone.

                                                            Life is not so straightforward that if we just do everything right and follow a certain path, we are guaranteed to succeed. Many parameters come into life and even though we don’t want to believe, we are not in complete control of our life and destiny.

                                                            … Which is not to say that we should not do anything about our dreams and leave everything in the hand of the circumstances we have to face. The point of this post is that we should always have a realistic view into life and keep ourselves levelheaded.

                                                            Keeping many ambitions can lead us to plenty of frustrations and often, self-inflicted pain. We should understand that we can’t control everything and it’s alright even when things don’t work out as we might have planned. Letting go of things is a great virtue, indeed. Hope this article helps you in some way!