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Hobby, Lifestyle

4 Reasons Why There’s A Point To Everything We Do

Written by Kayla LaSaga

You like to knit, read, hike, swim, and/or motorbike. You spend the majority of your days working hard, working out, and/or working in your garden. You play video games for hours, watch Netflix for days, and/or vacation for weeks.

I often used to find myself pondering about life, and the meaning of it. Daily, I would question the point of anything I needed to do, or should be doing. I was sinking deeper into depression; I just didn’t know it at the time. Why was I so unhappy? Why did I see no point to anything?

Because of depression, I’ve come to a conclusion: there are four reasons why there’s a point to everything we do. These four reasons make up our hobbies, our interests, and the activities in which we enjoy, each and every day. If we lose these four reasons, we lose our identity. No amount of money, no amount of attention or affection, and no amount of security, can help us see a point without them. Without them, we feel as if we were only born to eat, sleep, pay bills, and repeat the process.

Once we begin to welcome these simple yet effective reasons into our lives, we will always be able to see a point in everything we do!

Reason #1: Purpose

Without purpose it’s hard to find a point to anything. Purpose drives us. It pushes us. It challenges us to be as true to ourselves as humanly possible. Purpose is personal. For some, purpose means building a family. To others, it means building an entrepreneurial empire.

To find purpose, is to find yourself. Who are you? What are you about? Once you can answer these questions and understand your personal purpose, your life mission will be mapped out right in front of you. Just remember to enjoy the journey along the way!

Reason #2: Achievement

Achievements release our fear of failure. They also help build our will to challenge ourselves. To live without the will to achieve, is to live in fear.

What’s holding you back from an achievement? Achievements are what make you proud to be who you are, and where you are going. So whether you win a board game with friends, wake up on time, fall in love with your partner more each day, or even just sweep the floor, you can always find achievements in your everyday life. If you struggle to find your daily achievements, make a list of goals that you wish to achieve and go out and achieve them today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life!

Reason #3: Perspective

Perspective can set the mood to any situation. Look at how some people will complain about the rain, while others will go out and dance in it.

What would you rather do, dance or complain? Perspective depends on attitude. Do you have a positive attitude, or a negative attitude? Negative perspective draws negative attention, so if you tend to think the worse of everything, you might be attracting the worse in everything you do. If you’re up for the challenge, today is your day to make a change in your perspective!

Reason #4: Happiness

If you look around the world, happiness is relatively flexible. Some people can be happy with very little, while others feel depleted when they can’t have it all. But why? They say happiness is a choice, but to me, happiness is not a choice. Instead, happiness comes naturally once you begin living life for yourself.

Are you happy today? If not… what are you going to do to change that? What does happiness mean to you?


If you feel as if you are struggling to find your identity, based on what the world or society thinks is right for you, I challenge you to challenge yourself by exploring these four avenues. You never know what’s on the other side of fear. There’s always a point to everything you do. Remember your purpose, achievement, perspective, and happiness, and you’ll get there!

Featured photo credit: Do I look Pretty? / Ryan McGuire via