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Communication, Motivation

9 Daily Practices Of Women Who Love Their Bodies

Written by Abby Hutcheson

Many women tend to criticize any imperfection on their bodies, worrying more about what others think of their looks than how they feel about themselves (inside and out). Constantly pointing out flaws leaves women feeling worse and often deflated. Women who love their bodies practice at least one of these suggestions below:

1. They are open.

Instead of avoiding pool parties, social events, or random adventures; women who love their bodies say “yes!” They do not feel the need to hide; they are open. They are confident in their skin, so they’ll find something that fits for the occasion and go for it.

One way to move forward is to think to yourself, Do I avoid events due to my body? This can help you become aware if you’re holding yourself back. You are allowed to enjoy life and have fun; your body will love you more (and in turn, you’ll love it more). Giving yourself permission to be out with friends and family increases your happiness and confidence as well, getting you out of the cycle of avoiding future awesome activities.

The next time you have the urge to say “no!” to a girl’s trip, remind yourself that your body wants to have fun, and in order to show it love you must go enjoy life!

2. They buy and wear clothes that fit.

Women often keep clothes that are too small thinking they’ll wear them again (and considering the rest of their clothes “fat” clothes until they do fit). This is truly setting yourself up to feel terrible about your body (instead of loving it up!) every time you open your closet.

One simple way to start loving your body more is to get rid of one or two of the clothing items that have not fit for a while. If you’re feeling up to it, go out and replace those clothes with something that fits you in the body you’re in right now.

By doing this, you’re instantly relieving yourself of the stress of “having to be a certain size” and helps you get rid of thoughts that keep you trapped in thinking your current body isn’t good enough.

Get rid of some clothes that haven’t fit for a while and you will instantly feel a weight lifted from your shoulders. This shows your body that it is deserving of clothes that make you feel good right now, in this moment.

3. They give other women genuine compliments.

Women often find themselves giving compliments that are either:

  1. Leading the receiver of the compliment into returning it. For example, you see a friend at the mall and say, “Oh my goodness I love that shirt! I could never pull it off.” Then that friend says, “Oh my gosh, yes you could! You’d look amazing in it – better than I do!”
  2. Filled with jealousy. For example, “You would be able to pull that dress off!”

Women who love their bodies give ones that they mean and aren’t expecting anything in return.

One way to work on this is to think about how you want to feel when people talk to you (Appreciated? Respected? Loved? Cared for?), and then try giving a compliment that will result in one of those feelings for the receiver. The amazing thing about practicing that is you will instantly feel as if you’ve received a compliment. It’s a reciprocal process.

4. They ask themselves how they want to feel.

Most women have the urge to tell themselves they should do this, eat that, finish that, or buy that. Women who love their bodies naturally ask how certain things are going to make them feel (without using the word should). They might ask:

  • Will it be worth doing if they end up feeling terrible?
  • Will I feel great after this workout?
  • Does this sound good to me right now?
  • What am I craving?
  • What do I need right now?

If you hear yourself saying the word “should,” try to ask yourself how you want to feel. This helps you to honor your body by giving it what it needs, and showing it love and respect.

5. They redirect body bashing.

Being with a group of women, it is almost expected to hear someone say, “I’m feeling so fat! Look at me you guys!” Often times, others will join in echoing the same feeling.

What women who love their bodies do differently is listen to the comment, and then redirect it with a positive. They know it’s not necessary to continue that course of conversation because it only leads to people feeling worse about themselves.

Next time you’re with a group of women and you hear a body bashing comment resist the urge to join in. Redirect the conversation by asking a random question, or (if that seems uncomfortable for you) simply disengage with that portion of the conversation by sitting back. Doing that is better than egging it on.

During this moment you will ultimately feel incredible. You’re starting to set a positive example, respecting your body, and letting your friends know where you stand on this topic.

Even though it’s easy to join right in with others who are talking poorly about themselves, by getting rid of that negativity your body will thank you.

6. They fuel their body with healthy food while allowing themselves to eat treats without guilt.

Magazines, TV, and social media make it seem like in order to love your body, you must be on an extreme diet. Limiting yourself from chocolate chip cookies and pizza stresses your body out, can often leave you with food issues, or lead you to overeat on those foods. Women who honor their bodies know, and practice, the importance of moderation. They eat by listening to their bodies, enjoying healthy foods, and indulging so they never feel deprived.

If you are struggling with an extreme diet, check in with yourself by asking the following questions:

  • Is this diet realistic and maintainable?
  • Do I stress about foods?
  • Can I enjoy treats I love in moderation?

Become aware of how your relationship to food is currently and start to incorporate some of the foods you love throughout your week (instead of restricting them). When you give yourself more freedom around food, your body thanks you. Too much deprivation and your body will want to rebel against you.

7. They express gratitude to their bodies.

Gross, fat, ugly, short, too skinny, not enough muscle, small, and large are all, sadly, terms that women use to describe their bodies. Women who love their bodies continually express gratitude for what their bodies are capable of. They thank their bodies for helping them be active, hold their kids, work, and many other reasons.

In order to change your mindset with your body (to start loving it more), give your body some love. Come up with one or two reasons you’re thankful for your body and repeat that in your head often. As always, if you show your body love; it will love you back.

8. They value sleep.

Women know the importance of sleep, but often put it on the backburner thinking other things “must get done.” Women who love their bodies value sleep because of the benefits their bodies receive from it. They consistently make sleep priority so they can wake up with energy each day.

How do you make sleep a priority? Take baby steps by going to bed 20 minutes earlier each day! Overtime this adds up, and when you’re feeling ready go to bed even earlier.

When your body is well-rested it can function at it’s highest potential.It’s becomes easier to make healthier decisions and get important tasks completed throughout the day while being able to be alert and loving with those around you. Giving your body the sleep it needs sends a signal to your brain that your body is deserving and being honored.

9. They takes break from technology.

Have you ever found yourself scrolling through social media for 20 minutes only to feel awful about yourself? Let’s be real, it’s hard to unplug. Constantly looking at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and so on . . .leads to comparison. Thoughts like:

  • I’m not good enough.
  • Why isn’t my body like hers?
  • Their life looks so perfect.
  • I wish I was fit like her!

And those thoughts push us further from genuinely loving our bodies. Women who love their bodies effortlessly set their phones aside at least once a day. They do this because they cherish time to be still with themselves without feeling bogged down by other people’s lives.

Honor your body by setting your phone down for a solid 30 minutes per day. This can be hard at first, but you will reap the benefits (and may find yourself leaving your phone more and more). You’ll start to feel free, listen to your body more, and be present in the moments that matter.

Featured photo credit: Viktor Hanacek via