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Natural Remedies For Anxiety and Stress

Written by Ramanpreet Kaur
Currently a student but don't know what direction to go in: Let us see if writing gets me anywhere :)

Anxiety is definitely a normal response to stressful situations. It helps people deal with things at the office, school, or any other place for that matter. However sometimes it can get in your way.

Anxiety disorders are common because the world is full of worries and tensions. Anxiety can get in the way of life.

However, there are natural remedies out there to help you. Here is a list of a few of them that will support you in these tough times:

1. Passionflower

This herb, contrary to its name, isn’t about love. It’s a sedative. It helps ease symptoms such as irritability, agitation, anxiety, and depression in many patients that take passionflower.

2. Chamomile

If you have an anxious moment, grab a cup of chamomile tea. It just might do the trick to calm you down. You can also take it as a supplement.

In a Philadelphia study, GAD patients (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) who took chamomile supplements for eight weeks decreased their anxiety. So, why not you?

3. L-theanine (green tea)

Japanese buddhist monks could meditate because of green tea for hours, while remaining alert and relaxed. One reason is the ingredient contained in their green tea known as L-theanine. Research shows that L-theanine can curb a rising heart rate and high blood pressure. Anxiety is reduced in this magnificent process too. You can get a lot of L-theanine from green tea but you will have to drink many cups (anywhere from 5 to 20).

4. Hops

Hops is in beer, but you won’t get the tranquilizing benefits from it. The sedative compound is bitter and isn’t common in tea unless combined with mint or chamomile. It promotes sleep.

5. Valerian

Valerian is another sedative that can help ease anxiety. It acts as a sleep aid for insomnia. Valerian smells a bit terrible but it works miraculously with sleep-related problems. Most take it as a capsule. If you would like to try it, take it in the evening, not before work.

6. Lemon Balm

Lemon balm has been used since the Middle Ages to reduce stress and anxiety. In a study of volunteers, those who took lemon balm were calmer than individuals taking a placebo. Start with a small dose, because too much can cause you to become more anxious. Lemon balm comes in many forms: tea, capsules, and tincture.

7. Exercise

Exercise is great for numerous reasons, including it’s ability to act as a powerful antidote to anxiety and depression. Exercising includes yoga, cardio, or strength training. Do what you like. If you like treadmills, use that. If you like taking a walk in the park, go for one. Any physical activity that makes you happy – go and do it. I have learned to do that also, and I feel happier than ever. No one can make me anxious, because I exercise it away.

8. Lavender

The aroma of lavender is intoxicating. In one study, Greek dental patients were less anxious if the waiting room was scented with lavender oil. In a study in Florida, students inhaling lavender oil before an exam were less anxious.

9. Hold Your Breath

It is not recommended you turn blue in the process, but yogic breathing is shown to be effective at lowering stress and anxiety. Read about the 4-7-8 breath, exhaling completely through your mouth and then inhale through your nose for a count of four. Hold your breath for a count of seven and now let it out slowly for a count of eight – through your mouth. Repeat this twice a day.

10. Omega 3

Fish oil is good for the heart and perhaps can fight depression. You can add anxiety to the list as well. In one study, students who took 2.5 milligrams a day for 12 days had less anxiety before exams than students taking placebo.

11. Sauna

You can feel relaxed through a sauna. Sensations of warmth alter neural circuits that control the mood. Heating your body reduces both muscle tension and anxiety. Curling up next to a fire can produce these same results. Lying on the beach or sitting in a jacuzzi are associated with feelings of well-being and relaxation.

12. Forest Bath

It is known as a walk in the woods. Walking for twenty minutes can result in helpful body changes, especially in a forest that is beautiful to the eye. Forest bathers have lower stress hormone levels.

13. Mindfulness Meditation

Originally a buddhist practice, it is now a mainstream therapy and can be effective in treating anxiety. Mindful awareness helps you experience each moment as it is rather than what is expected or feared. Pay attention to the present moment. Be curious. Attend withou judgement.

14. Laughter

Even a fake laughter gives you an instant hit of dopamine. Dopamine is a brain chemical controlling pleasure and reward in the body. Cultivate a good sense of humor. If you are too tense to laugh, use technology. Google phone apps for laughing. You will be pleased because you will have laughed off your horrible anxiety.

15. Schedule relaxation

Make time to relax. If you don’t, how will you ever find the relaxation you need? You have to make time for things that matter to you. Look at your schedule and do not be afraid to make changes to comfort your soul and yourself. Put in a half hour of just doing nothing but relaxing in a way that comforts you. Do whatever it is you find relaxing, and see how much better you will feel. Start by putting yourself first.

16. GABA

GABA is a supplement. It is sold online and in health stores. It can help calm down anxious people. Individuals who eat chocolate infused with GABA were less stressed when taking an arithmetic test than those that didn’t. GABA can interact with medications, so always check with your doctor before taking anything.

17. Face the fear

If something makes you scared, face it. Don’t back away. Instead, fight it with all of your force and conviction. Uncertainty will always remain a part of life, but it can be better to embrace it. Understand what you worry about, and then embrace why you feel this way. In this way, you will gain victory as you push yourself to do things that scare you, lifting your fears away from yourself.

18. Eat Breakfast

Never starve your body. A good breakfast can make a huge difference. Eat eggs, bread, toast, cereal, fruit – whatever will motivate you to eat your most important meal. You will feel fuller and satisfied.