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Goal Getting

3 Strategic Statements for Goal Setting and a New life

Life scientist, Coach
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Are you constantly thinking how to improve yourself, set the correct goals? If you are ready for the new experience that transformed thousands entrepreneurs, to live with yourself peacefully, to accept self and others, read on…

Two sides of the brain impacts the result

“Those who do not believe in magic, never find it” – Roald Dahl

Are you familiar with the brilliant way of S.M.A.R.T goal setting which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound technique. And it works for sure. However, one thing is missing from the right side of our brain for setting a S.M.A.R.T goal. We know that our brain operates on two hemispheres – the left is responsible for logics, rationale while the right handles creativity and visualization. An outcome of goal setting clearly requires the left side of our brain – logical, structural, clear action. On the other side is a dip, the place where the magic happens and can impact the life. This scientifically proven technology helps to connect the right and left side of a brain.

You can apply the same method to augment your brain connections.

Anticipation raises happiness level

The Neural Recondition Process implemented by John Assaraf, the best selling book author of “The Answer”, has helped numerous entrepreneurs and business owners to raise their behavior, life and business to another level. This process has a set of seven techniques to practice daily. The only one thing that keeps us going forward is the anticipating something. Research has shown that when we are looking forward to something, it can boost our endorphin levels by 27%. Therefore anticipating something is the same as the use of the power of affirmation. A clear, definitive statement declaring something, solidifying ideas of where you want to go or how you want to change is an affirmation forms the basis of  change.

Affirmation is a new To-Be list

An affirmation is a self talk, a conversation with your inner confidence, inner power and inner attraction to convert an idea into a reality. This is a powerful way to build new neural connections in the mind to achieve goals and live the life you want. Affirmations are new declarations to form neural pathways in your subconscious mind, it’s a ‘To- Be’ list. Affirmations tap directly into the right side of the brain. Science proves that our brains need 25-to 30 days to adapt to new information and proceed with it. Simply anticipating something positive can boost your state of happiness and endorphin levels. For example an affirmation “I am confident I will lose 10 pounds and tone my body”, plus adding the image how you feel and look when you reach your goal -sets a mental pattern. You have affirmed what you are looking forward to.

The 3 strategic statements

The secret of the three strategic statements to a new life and goal setting lies in the structure of affirmation. John Assaraf, author of “The Answer” gives the nuts and bolts:

I am: A statement of who you are.

These are positive affirmations of a real state of being that exists in you. You can achieve a full list of ‘I am’ statements by taking a personal positive inventory of your attributes, strengths, talents and competencies.

  • For example: I am perfectly healthy in mind, body and spirit.

I can: A statement of your potential.

This is a positive expression of your ability to accomplish goals. It is a statement in your belief in your power to grow, change and help yourself. ‘I can’ statements could be designed after you have a set of goals.

  • For example: I can grow my business and be financially free.

I will: A statement of positive change in your life.

Positive affirmations of what you want to happen. It is a success prophecy. I will statements are developed after you have set your priorities and goals. Many times the word “will” can be removed to bring the statement to the present.

  • For example: I [will] love and nurture myself better each day.

Putting it into practice

After setting a S.M.A.R.T goal, now is your turn to put the idea into declaration and practice, to connect left and right brain:

  • Write down your statement or affirmation ( “I want to be happy”),
  • Make a mental image (recall the moment of being fully happy, how did that feel, what did you hear, what other emotions were present),
  • Speak out loud to yourself, three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening),
  • Meditate with the affirmations for 7 minutes daily for upcoming 30 days.

Stanford professor BJ Fogg said: “You can never change just one behavior. Our behaviors are interconnected, so when you change one behavior, other behaviors also shift”.

This means when you focus and work towards rewarding goals, you automatically change many behaviors that are holding you back, thus creating a new positive way of life for yourself.


Featured photo credit: Ed Gregory via stokpic.com

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