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Health, Lifestyle

Day 10 Shocking! Beach Can Calm Us And Boost Our Mental Health

Written by Chloe Chong
Chloe is a social media expert and shares lifestyle tips on Lifehack.
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You’re completing the last day of the program – that’s a whole lot of hard work and it’s not something many people can say they’ve done. Time to bask in the glory of your awesomeness. You totally deserve it!

For the last today let’s look at an easy yet amazing way to de-stress, which can hence boost your immune system.

Have you ever spent a day at the beach and come back home feeling relaxed and rejuvenated? You may readily agree that the beach has a calming effect, but did you also know that being at the beach can have a dramatic effect on your health and well-being and can even change your brain. Let’s take a look at some of the scientifically backed benefits that the beach can offer.

Lora Fleming of the University of Exeter in England says the idea that the beach helps our health is well established. As early as the 18th century doctors use to prescribe trips to the ocean to visit “bathing hospitals”. Bathing hospitals wee specially designed clinics that provided seawater bath treatments [1].

Fleming notes however, that scientist have only started looking at the ocean’s health benefits experimentally in recent times.

1. Ocean Waves Generate Negative Ions

The peaceful feeling we get at the beach could be a result of molecular changes that are happening in our bodies. The ocean’s waves produce negative ions. Negative ions accelerate our bodies ability to absorb oxygen. They also balance levels of serotonin; a chemical produced by the body that is related to mood and stress. This is one reason why being at the beach have been linked, by scientists to positive mental energy and a general overall sense of health and well-being. It may even make us sleep better [2].

2. Your Stress Hormone Cortisol Level Would Be Lowered

The reason the beach has such a calming effect on us could be because of the sound the waves make.


According to Shelley Batts, Ph.D., the most relaxing and pleasant sounds to listen to are those that have predictable wave patterns. The sound should also be middling to low pitches, soft in volumes and harmonic frequencies at regular intervals. The waves of the ocean tick all of these boxes. They are regular and soft to listen to. This can decrease cortisol (the stress hormone) levels.

3. The Flat Ocean’s Surface Calms You

The flat plane of the ocean’s surface may also give us a sense of security and safety. Neuroscientist Michael Merzenich says that humans feel safe when they are in places that are not complex. In forest humans need to be weary of predator animals; in the cities there are crooks and villains to be wary of; however, at the beach we can see for miles and this gives us peace of mind. There are no potential threats to think about.

“We’re constructed, neurologically, to normalize our environment—to bring it under our control,” Merzenich says. “When we look out to the sea, or we’re along the strand, we’re in a predictable, stable environment.” [3]

So next time you see it is a nice sunny day outside why not take a trip to the beach? You will be doing yourself and your body a world of good.


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