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Health, Lifestyle

Always Feeling Tired? Your Lymphatic System Might To Blame

Written by Archita Mittra
wordsmith, graphic designer, ideator, creative consultant, full time freelancer
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Are you always feeling lethargic, no matter what? Despite motivating yourself, do you struggle to get out of bed every morning? Do you feel exhausted by the simplest of things? Do you need an energy boost to get things done?

If you’ve said yes, at least once, you’re not alone. Owing to our increasingly sedentary lifestyles, a majority of us feel tired almost all the time – for no reason at all. And the culprit behind this endless exhaustion might be your lymphatic system.

How The Lymphatic System Is Keeping Us Alive

We all know that we’ve got red and white blood cells swimming inside us and the job of the white blood cells is to protect our bodies from all sorts of harm. The white blood cells, in turn, make up the lymphatic system which is our sort of inbuilt immunity mechanism. Whenever an outside threat (a bacterial infection, dust motes, etc) shows up, the lymphatic system deals with it and neutralizes the threat. In addition to this, it also keeps our bodily fluids in balance and maintains our overall health index.

This lymphatic system is made up of lymph vessels, lymph nodes along with organs like the spleen, thymus, tonsils and the adenoid glands. It traps the disease-causing agents in its lymphatic fluid and destroys it, thereby keeping the immune system fit and functioning. We’ve all experienced the occasional swellings here and there, particularly the tonsils. That’s your lymphatic system at work.

What A Weak Lymphatic System Can Do To Us

However, given that our lymphatic system plays such an important role, it is imperative to ensure that it works smoothly without any glitches. And the easiest way to achieve that is by sticking to a balanced diet, regular exercise and detoxifying the body whenever possible.

But most of us, wrapped in our busy workaholic lifestyles fail to do these 3 simple things, outlined above. As a result, our lymphatic system works over time and is easily stressed and this is manifested in the form of extreme fatigue. Some common symptoms of a weak lymphatic system include- chronic fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain, sore throats, catching colds often, regular viral infections and if left unchecked, can lead to arthritis and cancer formation.


Cancer is typically formed, when the lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) start malfunctioning and instead of forming antibodies, start multiplying rapidly and produce malignant tumors. In time, they break away from the lymph fluid and attack other organs and start destroying the body.


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    What You Can Do to Improve the Lymphatic System

    However, a weak lymphatic system isn’t  the end of the world and you can improve your condition by strictly following these steps.

    1. Reduce Inflammation:

    Try reducing stress and getting adequate sleep.Try to refrain from smoking and alcohol consumption. Make time for relaxation as well as exercise.

    2. Have a balanced diet designed as per your health needs:

    Instead of choosing a fad weight-loss diet from the internet, consult a dietitian or nutritionist and make a health food chart.

    3. Take supplements if required:

    Go for omega-3 fish oil, turmeric or vitamin tablets. You can also experiment with different essential oils like lemon, myrrh and frankincense. They improve blood flow and help in detoxification.

    Finally, keep in mind that feeling tired all the time can be due to other health issues and it is best advised to visit a physician soon as possible if you’re suffering from constant fatigue.


    A weak lymphatic system is one of the potential causes, but bear in mind that taking preventive measures is always a safe option for it not only keeps diseases at bay but also keeps you healthy and refreshed throughout the day.


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