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Communication, Happiness, Lifestyle, Motivation

30 Life Lessons to Learn Before You’re 30

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Turning 25 wasn’t easy for me. In fact it was one of the trickiest birthdays I have ever had. The reason you ask? Because looking back on the years, I finally came to the realization that I am a quarter of a century old, and in 5 more years I will be 30. I believe that life gives you obstacles along the way for a reason. Overcoming these obstacles is another step towards moving forward in your life.

Lessons are a part of life, the good, the bad and the ones we will never understand. Most of us turn 30 and never really feel totally prepared for the next chapter in our lives. Family, work, kids, owning a house, these are all major milestones that are headed our way. By learning these 30 lessons before you turn 30 is critical to the set up of your future.

Thus, an idea sparked, and I am happy to present you with 30 Life Lessons to Learn Before You are 30.

  1. Money does not buy happiness.
  2. Save your money.
  3. Work hard for your money.
  4. Breathe.
  5. Family always comes first.
  6. Pick a career you will love, the money will follow.
  7. Put your phone down once in a while.
  8. Enjoy the moments with the ones you love.
  9. ..Save your money.
  10. Keep current with politics and worldly news.. not always social media.
  11. Make new friends.
  12. Plan an adventure.
  13. Adults aren’t scary..believe me.
  14. Don’t take life too seriously.
  15. Take up many hobbies.
  16. Get out of the house, and go for long walks
  17. Turn off your phone once in a while.
  18. Look after your health, you are going to want to be on earth for a long time, trust me.
  19. Did I mention save?
  20. Spend more time with family.
  21. Get more sleep, oh and take lots of naps.
  22. Write in a journal, so you can look back on it one day and smile.
  23. Relationships will come and go but your friends will always be there.
  24. Work hard, and play hard.
  25. Treat yourself once in a while, movies, spa, a trip? Go for it!
  26. Live each moment one step at a time, nothing worth waiting for was ever rushed.
  27. Learn patience, I know this seems hard, but it will be good for you.
  28. Experience as many things as you can before you have kids.
  29. Learn how to invest your money.
  30. Find your passion, and never look back.

Lastly, I leave you with this. Experience all that you can in your younger years.Travel with friends, make time for the ones you love, and spend each day with happiness and gratefulness. Yes, it will get difficult when you finally blow out your candles at your 30th birthday, and if I am being honest, it will be very hard for me too. If you plan accordingly in your 20’s, set up your life’s plan and manage your budget you will surely be set for success (or at least moving toward it) in your 30’s. You life will change along the way, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse, these are all okay. You may switch jobs, or lose relationships, friends and money, but always keep yourself grounded and be thankful for what you have right in front of you, an amazing life.

I hope this article has motivated and inspired you. I have really truly learned each and every lesson above, and I am so happy I have. Each lesson is something I have personally experienced, and I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I am very grateful that I have learned these lessons, as they will help push me forward for when I do turn 30.


Live life to the fullest, and remember these are the best years of our lives, so enjoy them!

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