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Health, Lifestyle

Eating Kerson Fruit Will Bring You These 10 Amazing Health Benefits

Written by Michael Prywes

Nutritionists have identified a group of foods that provide amazing health benefits. Dubbed ‘superfoods’, this group provide nutrients that normal food groups could only dream of.

There’s no strict definition of a superfood. But what scientists do know is that these foods are full of more than just essential vitamins and minerals. Many of these foods also include a healthy dose of antioxidants and polyphenols.

Some science suggests that people who regularly consume these foods reduce their risk of certain diseases. Other evidence suggests that they help prolong life. Whatever it is that these superfoods do, many of the people who consume them regularly are often healthier than those who ignore them.

Some of these superfoods include foods like kale. Others are fruits like acai and blueberries. But one of the most essential superfoods is Kerson fruit.

What Is Kerson Fruit?

Kerson fruit grows on trees. The fruit resembles a cherry and has a tart flavor. Kerson fruit is not always known by this name. It is also referred to as the Panama berry, the Jamaican cherry and the Singapore cherry. If you buy them from a Spanish grocer, the fruit would be called a yamanza, memizo or bolania.

The trees grow all around the world. However, they primarily grow in warm climates. These fruit can be found throughout the Caribbean and Mexico. It grows as far south as South America. It is also found in southern Asia. It grows in countries like India, Indonesia and the Philippines.

There are many amazing health benefits of Kerson fruit. The following list contains only ten out of dozens of essential properties of this superfood.

Antibacterial Properties

The Kerson fruit offers antibacterial properties that are beneficial to anyone. These antibacterial properties help kill harmful bacteria while promoting good bacterial. This can help ward off infections and illnesses.

Low Blood Pressure

Drinking tea made from the leaves of this tree can help relieve low blood pressure. Low blood pressure often occurs when blood is unable to flow around the body at a normal rate. Low blood pressure can be dangerous and it often results in poor circulation.

Kerson fruit leaves help by providing nitric oxide. This helps improve blood flow by relaxing your blood vessels.

Pain Relief

The tea that helps improve your blood pressure can also help relieve mild pain. It works by blocking pain receptors. This is similar to how opiates work. The benefit of drinking tea is that you do not have the side effects associated with medication.

Relieves Inflammation

The tea made from the leaves of the Kerson tree also has anti-inflammatory properties. This is great for treating inflammation anywhere in the body. It can also help relieve swelling and fevers.

Provides Antioxidants

As a superfood, Kerson fruit offers plenty of antioxidants. What makes this fruit special is that it offers many of the antioxidants found in green tea.

There are around 24 different phenolic and flavonoid compounds found in Kerson fruit. This is great news for anyone who wants the benefits of green tea without the caffeine.

Relieves Headaches

Both the fruit and tea from the leaves are known for providing relief from headaches. It helps by providing mild pain relief. It also reduces the inflammation associated with headaches.

Avoid Cancer

One of the biggest reasons why many people flock to superfoods is to prevent cancer. There are many properties in superfoods that may help people avoid cancer. The Kerson fruit is no exception to this.

Some science suggests that Kerson fruit and other superfoods have properties that prevent cancer and will spare you the need to start a claims process in case of medical complications. Although there is no conclusive evidence, eating these fruits seems like a safe and tasty way to keep your body healthy.

Works as a Multi-Vitamin

Besides to the 24 antioxidants the fruit provides, the Kerson fruit offers all the benefits of a great multi-vitamin. The Kerson fruit has plenty of fiber. It also has a balanced amount of carbohydrates, protein, phosphorus and calcium.

In addition to these macronutrients, Kerson fruit also offers B-Vitamins, iron, and vitamin C. All of these have serious health benefits and can improve your quality of life.

Treats Gout

One of the most celebrated aspects of Kerson fruit is how it treats gout. It works to relieve the pain that often comes with the disease. Some research suggests that eating 10 cherries three times daily will help treat the pain.

Relieves Cramps

The pain blockers also work to relieve abdominal cramps. The tea created from Kerson fruit leaves constitutes a natural home remedy for stomach cramps.

The Kerson fruit tree is a great superfood with plenty of beneficial properties. To try it for yourself, you can buy fresh fruit from both Asian and Latin supermarkets. You can also find it online in health supplement shops.

Featured photo credit: Ervins Strauhmanis via