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Communication, Motivation

7 Little Words That Have Incredible Meaning

Written by Charlene Tops
Charlene is a certified life coach who is passionate about writing, speaking and teaching.
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Words, words, words: we speak them everyday. At times we just blurt them out, and other times we carefully craft our words together. How many times do we stop to think about how powerful or meaningful our words are? Here are 7 small, little — even tiny — words that have incredible meaning.

1. Joy

Joy is defined as keen pleasure or a state of happiness. This sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? I mean, everyone should have joy in their life, shouldn’t they? Yet it seems as though many people are trudging through life robotically, without pleasure, and are constantly seeking some form of happiness. Their search may take them to new places, jobs, or even relationships, and yet it is all futile. Joy springs from the inside of a person. External objects, whether they be things or people, do not bring joy. In order to experience this small word “joy”, you need to be present in the moment! When we live in the past or fret over the future, we rob ourselves of the essence of joy! When we tap into our inner joy, we are able to face each moment of our day with a changed perspective. Having joy does not mean the absence of hardship; it means being able to face obstacles with an underlying strength of inner peace and confidence. Fill your life with joy and see what a difference it makes!


    2. Sing

    To sing is to produce melodious sounds. Music is a powerful tool. Think of how movie producers utilize music and you can understand how music stimulates all kinds of emotions within us. We all have experienced sitting on the edge of our seats because from the sound of the music we just know something big is about to happen in the movie. Although we use music predominantly as a means of entertainment, it can be so much more. Singing has been proven to lower blood pressure, stress and even to produce pain blockers in our bodies. The best part is you don’t have to be a star to sing. Just sing it out! Sing like no one is listening.


      3. Hug

      Hug is such a small word, yet when practiced has incredible meaning! Did you know that a simple hug has the power to reduce heart rates and lower blood pressure? It has been proven through studies that hugs — not sexual relations — do more to keep marriages together. Touch is a very important, but often overlooked, part of the human makeup. You might remember the “Free Hugs” campaign that started with one person trying to practice random acts of kindness by giving hugs. This went viral on YouTube. A hug given early in the morning can change you for the whole day. Besides, a hug is the only gift you can give away and yet receive at the same time!  Pretty cool, I say! 


        4. Free

        Free means not enslaved, or personal liberty. Such a beautiful concept! Are you free? Or are you living as though you are in slavery to something or someone? Such happiness comes when one is truly living in freedom. To be able to express your authentic self is a gift. Take this gift and live your life free. After all, it doesn’t cost you — it’s free!                                                       


          5. Home

          Home should signify the place that you live in and are most at ease. Your home should be a haven from everyday life. There are many stresses from work and others in our lives. It is vital to have your own space filled with peace and harmony. Reflect on what your home means to you. Is this the place you go to take refuge from the world? Do you have places of beauty in your home to comfort your spirit? If not, then you need to re-examine your space. Get rid of clutter and add some warmth. Decorating your space with objects that bring you happiness will add a sense of quality to your home. As you look around your home how do you feel? Is there a sense of contentment, or do you feel ill-at-ease? Every few seasons you need to re-evaluate what possessions you have. Have you gathered so many things that they crowd out your home? Do you need to let go of objects that no longer serve you? It is true that an organized space with less clutter reduces stress. Take the time to de-clutter your home. Make it a sanctuary that is full of love and peace.

          Anyone can build a house, but it takes relationships to build a home. How are your family dynamics? Is there respect for one another in your family? Do you take the time to nurture your family relationships? It is crucial that you spend time cultivating genuine love with the members of your family. There are many other sources that influence today’s family. A healthy relationship between members of the same family requires time spent together. Spend quality time in your homes. Create traditions that you carry out each year. Have special date nights designed for the family. Let your home be the place that laughter and joy echo through the walls.


            6. Play

            In our task-orientated society many people have forgotten the importance of play. While it is important to work hard and complete what is necessary, it is equally important to spend time playing. What are the things you enjoy to do for recreation? Schedule routine times of just playing. You can be involved in sports or simply playing board games with your family or friends. The body and mind need times that they can relax and not focus on work or issues that are preoccupying you. Relax, let go, and learn the art of playfulness. You will be glad you did!

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              7. Love

              Love — what a word! I love your hair…I love my car…I love my life…I love this pasta dish…I LOVE YOU! As you see, the word love can be used on so many levels. The word love was originally used over 5,000 years ago to describe a deep affection for something. Although today the word may be overused in a more general way, it still holds a connection to the deepest emotion that a human can experience. Don’t hold back, tell the ones close to you that you love them! Life is way too short not to spread the love.



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