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15 Productivity-Boosting Weekend Habits Of Successful People

Written by Andy Preisler

Once you start looking for it, you will find mounds of suggestions on steps you can take to become more successful. While much of this advice can be very useful, the focus is usually on activities to engage in during the work week. What about the other two days of the week? Are there things that successful people do on their weekends that make them more productive and more effective during the work week? Of course. Here are 15 common weekend habits of successful and productive people.

1. They step away from their electronics

Working away on your laptop can feel productive, but successful people know that they cannot recharge fully over the weekend if they are constantly connected to their devices. Because of this, they make a commitment to unplug completely for at least a few continuous hours on the weekends.

2. They engage in physical activity

There’s no better way to burn off the stress of the work week and rejuvenate oneself than taking an hour or two to engage in some physical activity. Billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson credits his four additional hours of productivity each day to the fact that he works out regularly.

3. They pursue a hobby

Successful people, ranging from business mogul Warren Buffet to renowned actress Meryl Streep, have hobbies that they engage in on a regular basis. They do not only benefit from the immediate enjoyment they receive, they are investing in their greatest asset – themselves. Being a more well-rounded individual who takes the time to pursue interests is always a good thing.

4. They spend time with loved ones

There is no greater motivator than spending time actively engaging with friends and family members. Successful people understand that in order to keep going, they must have a touchstone, and that is usually the people who love them the most. This means that time spent with loves ones is never time wasted.

5. They do some good

Gratitude is an attitude that is embedded in the minds of successful people. The natural result is that they are driven to give back. A free weekend afternoon or evening is a great time to volunteer in your community. Good for the mind and the soul.

6. They keep their minds engaged

The brain needs exercise just as much as the body. Lack of mental activity will result in atrophy, which is not conducive to success or productivity. Engaging in just an hour or so of mental activity, such as the Sunday morning crossword puzzle, is a great way for you to stay sharp and focused. So, next time you see someone working diligently on a crossword, remember that they are not just burning time, they are engaging their mind.

7. They do something productive

While it is a good idea to avoid filling your weekends with chores and other busywork, completing one or two meaningful projects each weekend is a great way to maintain a productive mindset while still leaving time for relaxation and enjoyment.

8. They actively relax

No, that is not an oxymoron. Passive relaxation, such as internet surfing or watching TV, is enjoyable, but it doesn’t have the restorative benefits of active relaxation. Meditating or engaging in other relaxation techniques is a great way to truly rest on a physical and mental level.

9. They learn

Successful minds are constantly seeking new information and opportunities to learn things that don’t relate directly to the work that they do. Learning of any kind always increases the likelihood of inspiration. Free online learning is available through many popular websites, and the opportunities for you to learn new things is nearly limitless.

10. They do weekday prep

A successful day rarely starts with a hectic morning. This is why highly productive people take time during the weekend to get ready for the week ahead. Here are a few great tips for getting a jump start on the work week:

Prepare easy-to-heat-up or grab-and-go breakfasts and lunches.

Plan your weekday wardrobe and arrange your closet accordingly.

Gas up your car and do the same for any other drivers.

Sign permission slips, put money on lunch accounts, and get everybody’s weekday itinerary.

11. They wake up at the same time

Sleeping in may feel wonderful in the moment, but it throws the body’s rhythms out of whack. This makes getting back on track during the work week even more difficult. Successful people avoid this because they know that those hours spent feeling groggy are never productive.

12. They indulge themselves

People who spend the week accomplishing great things know that they deserve to proud of themselves. It’s OK to reward yourself once in a while. Don’t be afraid to enjoy a glass of fine wine, or to indulge in a mini-marathon of your favorite TV shows. Small pleasures give you something to look forward to during a stressful work week.

13. They schedule mini vacations

A one- or two-day trip with friends or family is a great way to get away from it all without extensive planning or cost. The benefit is time spent relaxing and enjoying some different scenery, and getting even further away from the office for a little while.

14. They make lists

Because the work week is often dominated by time spent on urgent tasks, it can be difficult to find time to plan for the future. Successful people take a few moments out of each weekend to write lists of future goals, and the actions they must take to achieve those goals.

15. They find new inspiration

Successful people have action steps that they incorporate into their daily lives. This helps them stay motivated as they work towards the next level of success. Sometimes these steps become a bit stale. Weekends are a great time to find new sources of motivation and new methods of personal development.

Many of the items on this list do not appear be work-related tasks at all — this is intentional. The point is to ensure that your weekend itinerary is a balance of enjoyment, mental and physical activity, planning ahead, and time spent with loved ones. Taking the steps to live a healthy and balanced life is key. These are the things that guarantee productivity and success all week long.

Featured photo credit: Beach Yoga by Kyle Lease via