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Food and Drink, Lifestyle

The Easiest Way To Measure Food

Written by Adams Briscoe
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You have probably been in this position before: everything in the kitchen is going well until you require measuring cups. These elusive instruments are either missing in action or already dirty. What’s the next best solution? How about using your hands? This infographic depicts how to quickly estimate portions of common foods like rice, pasta, fruit, chips, and even peanut butter. Also included are calorie estimates of various edibles. For example, two handful of chips comes out to around one ounce or roughly 150 calories (depending on the type of chip) and one ounce or 100 calories worth of hard cheese can be estimated to be about the size of a thumb.

Results will vary from person to person and among different foods. Enjoy!



      Featured photo credit: barbbarbbarb via farm5.staticflickr.com

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