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Communication, Motivation

5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Manifest What You Want

Written by Kelly Dawn
Mystic Biz Coach
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Everything in the Universe is made up of energy. From our thoughts and feelings to the food we eat, everything vibrates at its own frequency. Joy, happiness, and love all fall on the higher end of the vibrational scale and since most of us want more of those things, we have to raise our vibration to match.

Here are 5 ways to raise your vibration so you can attract more of what you want.

1. Write Out Your Ideal Day

This is a great starting point because it not only helps you get clear on what you want to manifest, it also allows you to feel the emotions that the experience will bring you. Let’s say you want to attract a new romantic relationship. Imagine you and your ideal partner spending the day together. Now grab your journal and start writing out the details of that day. What are the two of you doing together, what are you wearing, how are you feeling? Visualize the two of you holding hands or going on date and capture as much detail as you can as you write it out. By doing this you’re basically writing the script for your life. While you don’t need to know who the exact person is you’re attracting (it’s best to leave this open to the Universe), you are getting clear on how you want to feel and what you want that experience to be like for you.

2. Create Empowering Affirmations That Support Your Ideal Vision

Now that you know what you want, create affirmations or mantras that you can repeat to yourself that support your desired outcome. This is going to train your mind to seek out opportunities that will bring you the experience you want. Also, what we focus on expands, so the more positive our thoughts are, the easier it will be to attract more positive experiences. Using our example of attracting a new relationship, you might want to use affirmations like “I am worthy to receive love, I am ready for my new partner to appear, or I radiate love and attract love every day”. Write these affirmations out daily in your journal or put them on post-it notes around your house as reminders.

3. Make a Vision Board

Vision boards (or dream boards) are great because they help us see what’s possible for us. A vision board is a collage of pictures and/or quotes that give you a visual representation of what you want. Having pictures of what you’re manifesting will raise your vibration because when you look at it, you’re putting your mind in the state where it already has those things. To attract a new partner, you can use images of places you’d like travel together, pictures of happy couples, or quotes about love. You can easily create one online by collecting images and putting them together in a collage, or you can print out images or find them in magazines and glue them onto a larger piece of cardboard to keep in your home.

4. Practice Gratitude

Being grateful for what you already have is a sure-fire way to attract more good things into your life. Take a few minutes each day to focus on the people, things and experiences you’re grateful for and write them out in your journal. This might be a list of 10, 50 or even 100 things. The key is to get into the mindset of gratitude because it’s that feeling that will signal to the Universe that you want more of the same. When you’re attracting a new relationship, you can write out what you’ll be grateful for once that person shows up, but make sure to write it in the present tense. For example, “I am so happy and grateful for the delicious dinner my wife and I just had at our favourite restaurant”.

5. Laugh and Have Fun

This might seem obvious, but being happy is one of the easiest ways to raise your vibration. When we’re laughing, playing and having fun we’re in the present moment and not thinking about what we don’t have. We can even trick ourselves into being happy by smiling and changing our physiology, or by watching silly cat videos online. Being in a place of joy will also make you a magnet for more joy to be attracted to you – people love to be around happy people because it makes them feel better. Going back to our example of attracting a romantic partner, a great thing to do is to simply smile at people and be kind. Say hello to people, wish the guy at the coffee shop a good day, or hold the door open for someone. All of these simple things can spark a conversation that might lead you towards the relationship you’re seeking.


Attracting what you want in life involves aligning your thoughts beliefs and energy with your desired outcome. Applying these 5 tips to help you raise your vibration will help you manifest what you want by training your subconscious mind to seek out opportunities and will signal to the Universe that you’re open to receiving the experiences you want.

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