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4 Ways Learning to Drive Strengthens Your Personality

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In high school, I recall that having a driving license or the fact that you’re choosing a driving school puts you in the popular group. Your friends look up to you as if you’re Wonder Woman or Superman, while your nemesis becomes your best friend. It’s become a rite of passage and a form of responsibility, which symbolizes adulthood and independence. Being able to drive actually defines many aspects of one’s life whilst transcending to adulthood.

Here are 4 ways in which learning to drive can strengthen your personality.

1. Adapting and Improvising at A Very Young Age.

Adapting and improvising is an important life skill that many fail to understand. We move past life so swiftly with responsibilities and innovation that we fail to focus on developing certain life skills. Therefore, upon facing certain adverse situations, they stammer, panic and forget to improvise. In some ways, adapting to changes or new situations becomes a challenge too.

How do you cater to change or how does one actually develop such life skills without having to read about it in “Life Skills for Dummies”? Perfecting the art of driving is the best way to learn this. In many ways a new age driving school caters to this aspect. Performance driving schools usually helps student adapt to real life challenges. For example, learning in an open space and having to test our unpredictable streets gives the drivers a quick thinking to adapt and improvise.

2. Defines Your Own Confidence and Identity.

Growing up the biggest problem I failed was forming my own identity and self – confidence. As a writer, I had a problem of understanding my style and being confident in my words. However, over time and with lot’s of hard work, my perspective changed. However, my self-discovery took me through many detours.

When I observed my friends who actually learned driving, their personalities were different. They were more assured and confident about their identity, which got me wondering whether that was their pivotal point of change. Needless to say it was. This is because when you’re a driver, you need to trust your instincts and your own style of driving. Criticism and complaints are often left out of the window, when you’re in the driver’s seat. After a certain point, you develop a confident attitude and your own identity.

3. Gives You a Sense of Self Reliance and Independence.

Being self-reliant is an amazing feeling, as you finally feel liberated and the guilt of troubling someone doesn’t bother you. To be able to do what you want when you want is an amazing feeling which somewhat represents the feeling of soaring to the sky. Independence and freedom is often times what we fight for, hence having that eventually gives us a weapon to face life’s adversities.


However, some might argue that due to technology development, we are self-reliant in different ways. Uber and cab drivers seems to come to our aid anytime we want, but the amount we spend on such necessities can be solved in the simplest way. Therefore, when you notice teenagers getting their license you’ll sense the independence and the charisma they possess. They tend to rely on themselves more. Years later it makes them extremely vocal and gives them the courage to stand up from themselves. Hence, portraying themselves are extremely reliable individuals

4. Teaches You The Importance of Responsibility.

Being in a stage, the midst of a kid and an adult we often times enjoy indulging in recklessness. We enjoy being at parties and we enjoy being the center of attention. Responsibility seems to be a boring and annoying word. Our parents seem irritating when they stress on the importance of being responsible. However, one of the first rules of driving always revolves upon being a responsible driver, which means never drink and drive, and never text and drive. This form of responsibility becomes a deterrence for unworthy risk taking and becomes an anchor towards self-control. This early education of responsibility allows transition into adulthood easier which makes the later life easier.

Being able to have self-control guarantees that you will never fall easily towards egocentric challenges and unnecessary financial commitments. Over the years this will develop as part of your character which creates a happy and successful ambience around you. A responsible drives keeps themselves alive and others safe too. In a nutshell, learning how to drive at a young age gives you the opportunity to explore yourself and discover your identity. Over the years, this becomes the pivotal point of change and defines your character. Hence, if you have to chance to drive, take it and don’t think twice, because that will be one of the best decisions in your life.

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