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Parenting, Pregnancy

Back Pain During Pregnancy: Causes and Tips for Relief

Written by Blake Gardner
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Back pain can be brutal, and if you’re pregnant there aren’t many pain medications you can take to ease your pain. There are many causes for your pain that are directly related to your pregnancy. Your growing baby can pull on the muscles and tendons, the extra weight can be a stress, as well as throw your center of gravity off. What can you do to help alleviate the tension and back pain during pregnancy? My fiancee, who is currently pregnant, enjoys hot baths to alleviate the pain. Cold can help too, so put an ice pack on the affected area. Acetaminophen in low doses may be safe but you should always consult a doctor about taking it first. Your hormones are going crazy right now, which can cause a great deal of pain on its own. If you add in the fact that the life you’re carrying is growing exponentially you can expect the kind of pain that you won’t soon forget. Did I mention that you can’t take pain medication? If you’ve looked everywhere for relief look no further.

Tips for relief

There are other ways to help soothe your pregnancy woes than dangerous drugs. Holistic approaches such as acupuncture are viable options. More proven methods, like chiropractors in extreme cases, would fix any alignment issues or correct posture problems that result from carrying the extra load. You’re almost there! Unless you had back problems before you got pregnant, the symptoms are likely to lessen before giving birth. After the pregnancy they should desist entirely.

I’ve always found that deep breathing helps clear your mind of all the troubles of the world; meditation can take your mind off pain. You’ll want to get in the most comfortable seated position possible. Start with your toes and focus on relaxing that one part of the body. Once your toes are relaxed, work your way up the legs. Then you can begin to relax all the muscles in your torso, but remember to keep breathing deep. Concentrate on relaxing your arms and then your neck and head. If this doesn’t help you take your mind off the pain, try some stretching that focuses on the back. This Pinterest page on Prenatal Yoga has some ideas that would help you if you are experiencing back pain during pregnancy.

Lower back stretch

Lying on your back, stretch your arms and legs out so that you look like a pregnant gingerbread woman, or a child making snow angels. Take your right leg and move it to the left, over your other leg while keeping both shoulders on the ground. You should ease into it and move your left leg back so that your legs are in opposite positions now. You may not be able to get your right leg to the floor but this will help your lower back. Do it for both legs to help that sore lower back.

Upper back stretch

This one you can do seated. Start by taking your left leg and pointing it straight forward while keeping it on the ground. Your right leg should go over that one so that your right foot is on the left of your left knee. Now take your left arm and rest it on your right knee, that should be used to help you stretch your back to the right. Go slow, don’t over extend yourself too much. If you are able to face your right side perpendicularly to your left leg this will help stretch you upper back. And if you’re looking for more of a mid-back stretch, a downward dog position should be effective. Just make sure to practice these so that you’ll become more limber and the pain will lessen.

Being pregnant takes a lot of energy, so make sure to get enough rest. You should however, try sleeping in different positions to see which one hurts your back less. Most people find lying on their side will help but you may be different. Stretching just before bed with help you sleep more comfortably and wake up with less soreness or pain.


If you have someone who is willing to or want to spend the money on a masseuse, a thorough back massage will also lessen some tension. Or you might also try having an orgasm, which releases endorphins that block pain signals–however you arrive there. Heating pads are easy to use. There are electric kinds and ones that you heat up in a microwave. A simple DIY heating pad is to put a few cups of rice in a sock. Tie it off at the end and pop it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Nothing sounds more relaxing than an oil massage with hot rocks, just remember to use the oven for those. Don’t overcook your rocks, and when you’re lying down for your partner to give you a massage you will need to use pillows to make sure there is no weight on your baby. Light some candles or use an aromatic scent and let them caress the pain out of you.


The most important thing to remember is that if the pain becomes too severe you need to go to a doctor. Sudden and severe back pain could mean a serious problem. If your pain is coming in waves it could be contractions. You might be going into preterm labor. You should go to a hospital or see a doctor immediately.

Breathe easier

Now that you’ve curbed your back pain you can feel better about yourself and your baby. They might be causing you some pain but they will be here soon, and as you greet them and usher them into their new world they will bring you enough joy to make you forget all your worries (and pregnancy pains). Should you decide to have another, remember what has worked for you this time. Many pregnancies are different. Subsequent children may be more trouble to carry than the last, or easier. These tips can help you throughout the journey to building your family.

One more thing. Though your body is growing to help make room for your baby know that you are still as beautiful as the day you conceived, if not more. Whatever stress you are holding onto should be let go. The stress hormones in your body are shared with your baby, and lower back pain is related to those stress hormones. Whatever you can do to relax and have a happy pregnancy will not only help you but you your baby as well.

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