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Communication, Relationships

9 Reasons Why Pet Adopters Make Good Lovers

Written by Grace Bluerock

Almost everyone dreams of having a healthy, loving relationship with someone special. Unfortunately, not all relationships are successful, and not everyone makes a good lover.

Research has shown that people who share their lives with pets are more physically fit, are less lonely, and have better self-esteem. Could a pet’s unconditional love and acceptance also inspire people to be better in their human relationships? Are there certain qualities intrinsic to people who adopt pets that also make them successful in romantic relationships? Here are nine reasons why pet adopters are likely to be good lovers.

1. They love companionship

People who adopt pets enjoy spending quality time with their pet and appreciate the connection and bond that only they share. They truly understand the importance of having and being a loyal companion and best friend. This is key to having a successful, lasting relationship.

2. They know how to give and receive unconditional love

Pets love freely and without reservation, which is the only way they know how to love. Pet adopters aspire to love their pets the same way, regardless of conditions. Because they have such good role models and receive unconditional love each day from their pets, they better understand how to give love to their partners. Unconditional love is foundational to great relationships.

3. They have a selfless side

People adopt pets knowing that giving their time, attention, and love to their pet is all part of pet ownership. They understand that there are times when they must make certain choices or modify their life in some way because it is best for their pet. People who adopt pets have a selfless side, which always considers the needs of those who are important to them. What a great feature to bring to a loving relationship!

4. They value playtime

The importance of playtime for a pet cannot be stressed enough. Pet adopters know this and make time in their schedule to play with their pets. The benefits to both are endless. It’s exactly the same in their partnerships. When they value playfulness, whether the play is spontaneous or planned, their relationship is healthier, and the couple feels more light-hearted and close.

5. They are attentive

It takes an attentive person to provide the excellent care a pet needs. People who adopt pets understand their needs and are quick to recognize any changes in their routine or behavior. Being attentive not only benefits pets, but it also helps relationships flourish. Pet people instinctively understand the importance of being present, focused, and attentive to their partner’s needs.

6. They are not afraid of commitment

When people adopt pets, they are in it for the long haul. They commit to caring for their pet for the rest of its life. They understand it is not always easy, but they find a way to work through the challenges. They bring this characteristic into their romantic relationships too, devoting themselves deeply to the one they love.

7. They practice patience

It takes time and patience to teach pets basic manners and get them acclimated to the way a household works. Puppies especially take time to train. Pet adopters take it all in stride, knowing that persistence and patience will pay off. Having the quality of patience goes a long way in creating a strong foundation of trust with their partners.

8. They enjoy cuddling and giving affection

Pet people know there’s nothing better than a sloppy wet kiss after a long day. Cuddling on the couch and watching TV is one of the greatest perks of having a pet. It is also a major benefit in romantic relationships. Having the ability to give and receive affection can make or break a relationship, and people with pets have plenty of experience with both.

9. They don’t obsess over perfection

People who adopt pets know better than to expect perfection. Pets can be messy and unpredictable, and so can relationships. Bringing this quality into their relationships lets both parties feel free to completely be their imperfect selves, creating the space for a terrific, satisfying love life.