Sebastian Klein

Sebastian Klein is a serial entrepreneur, consultant, speaker and writer with a passion for management-free, people-centered organizations. He has Co-founded 5 different companies, and is currently focused on The Dive, which helps organizations of all shapes and sizes on their journey towards self-organization. Sebastian is also the Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Blinkist, a Berlin-based startup that feeds curious minds with key insights from non-fiction books. Sebastian specializes in distilling complex concepts into smart and beautiful language and has been interviewed by Growth Everywhere on the topic: "How Blinkist Used One Piece of Content Marketing to Bring in 500 New Users", and once was interviewed by Mixergy on "How is Blinkist making $120K/mo summarizing non-fiction books". Apart from his entrepreneurial pursuits, Sebastian is a regular guest speaker and lecturer and provides coaching services to organizations. Sebastian likes to call himself "a big-picture bookworm", and he loves finding connections between wildly differing concepts.

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