Josh Zlatkus

From a very early age I have been interested in what people think privately but rarely admit publicly, especially about themselves. With a background in sales and marketing, and now a thriving private practice as a therapist, I have come to understand that these unspoken stories are the scripts that either allow or prevent us from accomplishing what we want. In my work with my therapy clients, I think of myself first and foremost as helping to create an environment where clients can express themselves. Everything else -- what their problems are, why they have those problems, what they are going to do about those problems, et cetera -- is secondary. The first step is being able to voice the stories you are living by. As a writer in the mental health space, I aim to increase my audience's awareness of three things: 1) your own stories and how they drive your life, 2) how we can be better audiences for the stories of others, and 3) the various forces that cause us to stop sharing our stories.

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